Community Speedwatch


The view from the other side of the hair dryer!!

Blue rinsed, busy body with a sad boring life, craving excitement playing Mr Plod after parking my Rover 45 calling… in the words of Basil Fawlty " Let me explain".

To be more exact ex MD of a transport company employing 250 people, exciting life thanks,surfer, sometimes rally driver and owner of a PHGV motorhome. Once booked at 106mph on M25 so no goody goody, Police volunteer driver and oh yes, take part in speedwatch sessions despite having plenty of better things to do. By the way I drive a Merc not a Rover 45.I have driven trucks in UK and Canada but compared to you guys that drive full time am a complete novice! :blush:

So here are the FACTS as far as Devon and Cornwall Police go anyway! :question:

First busybodies have to undergo vetting, then have an interview which is about an hour where the number of brain cells you have are counted. If sufficient you go out under the supervision of Mr Plod for a minimum of five hours with an established group to an approved site to observe what happens and train. Yes in the p*ssing rain, 7am, lunchtime, in the middle of church service, you go anyway.
There must be at least three busybodies. The last group I was with consisted of myself, an ex military man, ex met officer and a female company director - none with blue hair and aged mid forties to mid sixties. We could all tell a Seat from a Skoda and know how to read and write, none were short sighted, or one legged. We do have older members but they are not allowed out without supervision, keeps them happy, bless.
The hairdryer is calibrated at the start of every session. It is also checked regularly by Mr Plod. The idea of the big sign before and after where we stand is so that motorists are reminded they are in a 30 limit BEFORE they get to us. Every vehicle we log exceeding the limit is a failure to remind the driver of that and in a perfect world we would ‘catch’ no one, then it would be off to the beach instead! Every number written down is verified by two people and the make/model/colour cross checked by two people, it the goes to a co-ordinator where it is checked on a database, but mistakes can still happen.
If you do get a letter by mistake, sorry, again though look at the flipside. A few months ago we logged a silver VW, the owner got a letter and he said he had never been to our area, he wasn’t happy. His car HAD been cloned and he would never had known had it not been for us! He later wrote to thank the local Plod! We also collect valuable information for road planning, count the numbers of passing vehicles etc, look out for rogue vehicles notified by Mr Plod etc.
So why do I (we) do it.I have no interest in playing Plod, booking people or craving some weird power trip but every driver I can convince not to exceed the limit in a potentially dangerous area could be another accident avoided.
In the last six months three people have lost their lives in separate crashes due to excess speed within a two miles of my house, a number have been injured and I have lost count of the minor bumps. Many on this forum would have had personal experience of losing family members through needless road accidents, myself included.
I am the first to accept the importance of on time delivery, the huge pressure put on professional drivers who do a magnificent job to get the trip done, I even accept at times it is safe to exceed speed limits, I do it myself. What I cannot accept is doing it in 30 limits or in built up areas where the vulnerable lurk and the dangers are so obvious.
On a personal note, the dropping down a gear and flooring it, blasting the horn to make us jump and giving the finger approach really doesn’t impress me in any way, been there, got the T shirt, seen it 100 times. I will though always give a cheery wave and thanks to every trucker that comes through at around the limit, those are the professionals.
Thanks for allowing me this post, I promise it is GENUINE, sorry it is a bit long but hope it helps to dispel some of the myths and answers some questions.
Keep safe out there people! :open_mouth:

Always good to get a different side to a story. But unfortunately when it comes to speeding, there are many on here who think the speed limits are only there to make it easier to raise revenue through speeding fines. Some on here just cant seem to see the fact that if no-one speeds then a camera doesnt raise any money. They are more concerned with it “making” x amount of millions rather than seeing the fact that x amount of people are speeding
In the past, ive gotten involved in many an argument with people on here who claim to be drivers yet argued their case as to why ,for example, doing 45 in a 30 was “ok as long as it was safe” and they just couldnt/wouldnt see that if it that were to ever became acceptable then it would end in disaster for the ones who “thought it was safe” when it turns out it wasnt. Its like talking to yourself though. To some, they are such good drivers nothing bad can ever happen as they know what they are doing
I too have lost someone due to a speeding driver and I never speed. Im no saint but when it comes to driving, im always watching and paying attention. It only takes one moment of misjudment and you change an entire families life forever. No one is a perfect driver (despite the way some talk on here as if they are) and mistakes and accidents happen. But the difference in casualities in a 30mph crash to a 45-50 mph crash are huge. Would my brother still be here if the guy who hit him had “only” been doing 25-30? I’ll never know. But I DO know, he’d have stood a better chance at 30 than he ever stood at 55.
Unfortunately you’ll never change some peoples attitude and the cutting of a visible police deterrent means more and more are pushing their luck. Even when they are sitting watching, you get the usual suspects moaning “they should be out catching real criminals” as if them speeding isnt a priority or worth worrying about.
So ANYTHING that keeps speeds down is welcome in my book.
You and your fellow speedwatchers crack on. There are some of us who have no problem with you as you will never affect us. The biggest moaners are usually the ones who want to boot it like the big red limit sign doesnt matter.

2 brilliant posts. Agree 100%.

And a big ‘thumbs up’ to Groundhog and his colleagues from me too - I think you are doing a great job, keep it up.

isnt it great to have a forum where opinions tend to differ…mine would be,who died to make you nimby road commander,dudly doogood sticking your nose into where it dont belong other than waffling about with your other self righteous twaddlers. policing is for the police.not up their own ■■■ fannys,who do no good who you like,it makes no differece other than wasting everyones time.when plod are going through the motions of keeping you happy,they should be doing other work that possibly matters.just something for would be armchair vikings to occupy their time,and be another irritation similar to cyclists.

Thanks for all the comments positive and negative, we will never all agree but as has been said it is good to discuss the things in a grown up way! I appreciate the opportunity to put forward the other side of the argument.

Tomorrow it is back to LHR for me, then off to Canada until the Spring, all have a great New Year.

A heads up from me everyone. :astonished:

It has been six years since I last posted here regarding Community Speedwatch, but just to let you all know…

With immediate effect speedwatch teams certainly in Devon and Cornwall and I suspect elsewhere will be “embedded” with regular police officers who will issue on the spot fines to any speeding or misbehaving drivers. This is new as you know CSW volunteers have no authority to issue fines or anything else. Do not assume the “old dears” are alone you may be in for a ticket.

Also be careful, a truck driver wasn’t speeding but as some morons do decided to shout rude remarks, gesticulate and blast the air horns. What he didn’t realise was the local Police and Crime Commissioner, Head of traffic and a film crew were also stood there, not a good idea and I suspect someone may well be looking for a job very soon. With regular police now embedded it is not a good idea, as an ex driver myself please do not assume the old folks are alone from now on, you may get a nasty shock!

Thanks to all you guys and girls out there that are the real professional drivers and have kept us going in the the last months and years, we know you are the best ad it is appreciated.

“Embedded”. What a totally up one’s own main orifice term! Kate Adie used to get embedded with the 2 Para battle group in Helmand. I hardly think that George and Mavis on the B673 qualify in the same manner.

the maoster:
“Embedded”. What a totally up one’s own main orifice term! Kate Adie used to get embedded with the 2 Para battle group in Helmand. I hardly think that George and Mavis on the B673 qualify in the same manner.

:laughing: :laughing:
These are important people in the Community Watch Group don’t you know.
2 Para? pah ! :smiley:

the maoster:
“Embedded”. What a totally up one’s own main orifice term! Kate Adie used to get embedded with the 2 Para battle group in Helmand. I hardly think that George and Mavis on the B673 qualify in the same manner.

I believe one or two from 2 para got embedded with Kate Adie :smiley: :smiley:

^^^ pair of clowns :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I upset one of them when I mentioned that he did his speed watch duty then drank 6 pints and drove home, now he does it on his mobility scooter at 12mph

the maoster:
“Embedded”. What a totally up one’s own main orifice term! Kate Adie used to get embedded with the 2 Para battle group in Helmand. I hardly think that George and Mavis on the B673 qualify in the same manner.

I admire your sense of humour and massive respect to anyone ex forces and for your service to the Country if not Kate Adie (really?). There is a bit of a flaw in your argument though about George and Mavis. They might be a couple of doddery old f4rts now but you have no idea what they did in the past that may qualify to come even close to moving in your high circles. We have an ex Falklands (RN officer) and another who saw service in NI, neither are called George though. We do have a special constable but she is only 24 so fails on the old f4rt front. Personally I admit to being just a plain old civilian low life, I did create a transport company that employed about 250 staff and 50 drivers if that helps my case a tiny bit though. Oh and my nephew was run over and killed by a truck if that explains anything.
Anyway I need to make my cocoa now and get to bed, the wheelchair is plugged in so I can sleep well. Hope to still be alive in the morning, must put the winder down now.

Drive safely then one day you will be a doddery old f4rt as well, much better than the alternative :slight_smile:

I did create a transport company that employed about 250 staff and 50 drivers if that helps my case a tiny bit though. Oh and my nephew was run over and killed by a truck if that explains anything.

Did you sack the driver?


The view from the other side of the hair dryer!!

Blue rinsed, busy body with a sad boring life, craving excitement playing Mr Plod after parking my Rover 45 calling… in the words of Basil Fawlty " Let me explain".

To be more exact ex MD of a transport company employing 250 people, exciting life thanks,surfer, sometimes rally driver and owner of a PHGV motorhome. Once booked at 106mph on M25 so no goody goody, Police volunteer driver and oh yes, take part in speedwatch sessions despite having plenty of better things to do. By the way I drive a Merc not a Rover 45.I have driven trucks in UK and Canada but compared to you guys that drive full time am a complete novice! :blush:

So here are the FACTS as far as Devon and Cornwall Police go anyway! :question:

First busybodies have to undergo vetting, then have an interview which is about an hour where the number of brain cells you have are counted. If sufficient you go out under the supervision of Mr Plod for a minimum of five hours with an established group to an approved site to observe what happens and train. Yes in the p*ssing rain, 7am, lunchtime, in the middle of church service, you go anyway.
There must be at least three busybodies. The last group I was with consisted of myself, an ex military man, ex met officer and a female company director - none with blue hair and aged mid forties to mid sixties. We could all tell a Seat from a Skoda and know how to read and write, none were short sighted, or one legged. We do have older members but they are not allowed out without supervision, keeps them happy, bless.
The hairdryer is calibrated at the start of every session. It is also checked regularly by Mr Plod. The idea of the big sign before and after where we stand is so that motorists are reminded they are in a 30 limit BEFORE they get to us. Every vehicle we log exceeding the limit is a failure to remind the driver of that and in a perfect world we would ‘catch’ no one, then it would be off to the beach instead! Every number written down is verified by two people and the make/model/colour cross checked by two people, it the goes to a co-ordinator where it is checked on a database, but mistakes can still happen.
If you do get a letter by mistake, sorry, again though look at the flipside. A few months ago we logged a silver VW, the owner got a letter and he said he had never been to our area, he wasn’t happy. His car HAD been cloned and he would never had known had it not been for us! He later wrote to thank the local Plod! We also collect valuable information for road planning, count the numbers of passing vehicles etc, look out for rogue vehicles notified by Mr Plod etc.
So why do I (we) do it.I have no interest in playing Plod, booking people or craving some weird power trip but every driver I can convince not to exceed the limit in a potentially dangerous area could be another accident avoided.
In the last six months three people have lost their lives in separate crashes due to excess speed within a two miles of my house, a number have been injured and I have lost count of the minor bumps. Many on this forum would have had personal experience of losing family members through needless road accidents, myself included.
I am the first to accept the importance of on time delivery, the huge pressure put on professional drivers who do a magnificent job to get the trip done, I even accept at times it is safe to exceed speed limits, I do it myself. What I cannot accept is doing it in 30 limits or in built up areas where the vulnerable lurk and the dangers are so obvious.
On a personal note, the dropping down a gear and flooring it, blasting the horn to make us jump and giving the finger approach really doesn’t impress me in any way, been there, got the T shirt, seen it 100 times. I will though always give a cheery wave and thanks to every trucker that comes through at around the limit, those are the professionals.
Thanks for allowing me this post, I promise it is GENUINE, sorry it is a bit long but hope it helps to dispel some of the myths and answers some questions.
Keep safe out there people! :open_mouth:

Always good to get a different side to a story. But unfortunately when it comes to speeding, there are many on here who think the speed limits are only there to make it easier to raise revenue through speeding fines. Some on here just cant seem to see the fact that if no-one speeds then a camera doesnt raise any money. They are more concerned with it “making” x amount of millions rather than seeing the fact that x amount of people are speeding
In the past, ive gotten involved in many an argument with people on here who claim to be drivers yet argued their case as to why ,for example, doing 45 in a 30 was “ok as long as it was safe” and they just couldnt/wouldnt see that if it that were to ever became acceptable then it would end in disaster for the ones who “thought it was safe” when it turns out it wasnt. Its like talking to yourself though. To some, they are such good drivers nothing bad can ever happen as they know what they are doing
I too have lost someone due to a speeding driver and I never speed. Im no saint but when it comes to driving, im always watching and paying attention. It only takes one moment of misjudment and you change an entire families life forever. No one is a perfect driver (despite the way some talk on here as if they are) and mistakes and accidents happen. But the difference in casualities in a 30mph crash to a 45-50 mph crash are huge. Would my brother still be here if the guy who hit him had “only” been doing 25-30? I’ll never know. But I DO know, he’d have stood a better chance at 30 than he ever stood at 55.
Unfortunately you’ll never change some peoples attitude and the cutting of a visible police deterrent means more and more are pushing their luck. Even when they are sitting watching, you get the usual suspects moaning “they should be out catching real criminals” as if them speeding isnt a priority or worth worrying about.
So ANYTHING that keeps speeds down is welcome in my book.
You and your fellow speedwatchers crack on. There are some of us who have no problem with you as you will never affect us. The biggest moaners are usually the ones who want to boot it like the big red limit sign doesnt matter.

A while ago but excellent posts and very true. Top Men.

His car HAD been cloned and he would never had known had it not been for us! He later wrote to thank the local Plod!

And there it is, the ‘Justification clause’ the type you always get in these sort of cases, (usually made up for effect) just like the in cab camera one, about the driver who would have lost his licence if it had not been for the camera proving him right, aye right. :unamused: among all the poor ■■■■■ who have lost their jobs for drinking a coffee or checking a map. :unamused:

Can I just point out (can’t be arsed to read through the old thread to see if I already have)…I hate speeders through villages where kids are, I don’t speed through villages my self, nor do I drive at inappropriate speeds on other roads at inappropriate times, I have been known to rush for boats etc, but again not dangerously, and just like everybody else will have done at one time or another, on the whole I don’t tear arse about, and stick to the limits.

I also do not hate the Police! :bulb: …,.I do however constantly criticise them for the way they go about things, and there tiresome excuse of ‘lack of resources’ everytime they fail to do what they are paid to, and of course their selective easy target policing…like last week the ■■■■ from Merseyside Constabulary who gave me a ticket for overnighting at 2330 pm, where my trailer wheel inadvertently was touching the kerb on an ind est with zero pedestrians between then and when I started at 0530, nice to see the crime in Merseyside is so quiet that they had time (and resources) to do me for that.

Bearing that in mind all this stuff using pensioners on a day out dressed up in their Sunday best playing coppers exacerbates that situation, if these old clowns were not there, the Police would have to get off their arses, stop doing unpopular politically correct bull crap policing and do.what they should be doing…and what the public want.
On a plus side, If a crime occurs at the same time in these towns they are there at hand, or are Reg and Doris going to go beyond the call of duty,.and make a citizens arrest on some armed drug dealer, point ting their hairdrier speed guns at them, shouting ‘Freeze mother ■■■■ s, you’re under arrest’’ :unamused: :smiley:

I have been known to rush for boats etc, but again not dangerously,

It always amuses me when a driver decides whether or not they are driving dangerously. I guess most drivers would say they are not dangerous but we both know that’s
far from the truth. Any driver that is “rushing” is probably going too fast (ie speeding) which can constitute dangerous driving in certain circumstances. Again when rushing
a driver is more likely to make a mistake by not looking correctly, potentially causing a dangerous situation which may be classed as dangerous driving.

BTW, I think it’s great having the old codgers helping the police out with speeding drivers. :laughing:

I have been known to rush for boats etc, but again not dangerously,

It always amuses me when a driver decides whether or not they are driving dangerously. I guess most drivers would say they are not dangerous but we both know that’s
far from the truth.

It always amuses me that when somebody states a claim or fact, then , some other bloke rocks up (usually you Jake) and rubbishes his claim, then goes on to patronisingly make out he knows so much better.
Just saying.

Nah, you got me wrong. I don’t know any better than anyone else however I know what drivers are like with their views on their own driving
having listened to many on various courses over the years.
I have done exactly the same as you in my younger days and rushed about trying to get finished earlier and of course I like to think I was not driving dangerously.
It’s like the ones you see on motorways everyday travelling too close to the vehicle in front. That is classed as dangerous driving but I’ll guarantee none of them class themselves as dangerous drivers.
Anyway good to hear you don’t speed through villages as I live in one. :wink:

Nah, you got me wrong. I don’t know any better than anyone else

Coming from…

The preening fraud you are, this is hysterical.

Nah, you got me wrong. I don’t know any better than anyone else however I know what drivers are like with their views on their own driving
having listened to many on various courses over the years.
I have done exactly the same as you in my younger days and rushed about trying to get finished earlier and of course I like to think I was not driving dangerously.
It’s like the ones you see on motorways everyday travelling too close to the vehicle in front. That is classed as dangerous driving but I’ll guarantee none of them class themselves as dangerous drivers.
Anyway good to hear you don’t speed through villages as I live in one. :wink:

Yeh? So what’s your views on your OWN driving then Jake?

There you go again,.you still refute the fact I was not driving dangerously, implying you know better.
Did not want to get bogged down in this but here goes.
I was driving to the conditions of the road, the weather and the traffic.
I was not tailgating, cutting in, cutting up or cutting anything actually.

Oh yeh,.and being that it’s 12 years since I came off European,.and I was going for the boat, the limits then would be 40mph in those days.
So… 12 years ago,.driving as I was, and at say 50mph, in a 40 say I was driving dangerous.
But…if it had been today,.same road,…same weather,.same conditions,.same traffic,.same way of driving…but the limit not being 40 but now 50…suddenlly in your book I am no longer ‘driving dangerously’…and guess what?
Neither was I then.

Jakey mate just because you THINK you are always right,.does not necessarily mean that you are. :bulb:


Nah, you got me wrong. I don’t know any better than anyone else however I know what drivers are like with their views on their own driving
having listened to many on various courses over the years.
I have done exactly the same as you in my younger days and rushed about trying to get finished earlier and of course I like to think I was not driving dangerously.
It’s like the ones you see on motorways everyday travelling too close to the vehicle in front. That is classed as dangerous driving but I’ll guarantee none of them class themselves as dangerous drivers.
Anyway good to hear you don’t speed through villages as I live in one. :wink:

Yeh? So what’s your views on your OWN driving then Jake?

There you go again,.you still refute the fact I was not driving dangerously, implying you know better.
Did not want to get bogged down in this but here goes.
I was driving to the conditions of the road, the weather and the traffic.
I was not tailgating, cutting in, cutting up or cutting anything actually.

Oh yeh,.and being that it’s 12 years since I came off European,.and I was going for the boat, the limits then would be 40mph in those days.
So… 12 years ago,.driving as I was, and at say 50mph, in a 40 say I was driving dangerous.
But…if it had been today,.same road,…same weather,.same conditions,.same traffic,.same way of driving…but the limit not being 40 but now 50…suddenlly in your book I am no longer ‘driving dangerously’…and guess what?
Neither was I then.

Jakey mate just because you THINK you are always right,.does not necessarily mean that you are. :bulb:

Regarding my driving which I do less and less of now I would say I know my faults and just like you I regard my driving to be 10 times better than the average moron.

You got me wrong again, I was not implying you were driving dangerously I was merely pointing out that many drivers do drive dangerously everyday without realising it.
They become complacent which is a common problem as I am sure you know.

Also I don’t think I am always right but I have an strong opinion on driving standards after numerous years driving and numerous years training and learned an awful lot about other
drivers and how they thought they were correct until they were shown a better method just like myself when I initially started training.

We have different opinions about different subjects but I admire the fact you can put your thoughts over without verbal abuse (like some on here) so let’s not get bogged down and agree to disagree.