Close Coupling Question

Ok… If the pin is locked & the air coupling is connected. And the space between the back of the cab & the trailer is tight. It can surge forward ,whether brakes or suspension…& you are trapped. The Way you are doing it on level ground is the best way.

Ok… If the pin is locked & the air coupling is connected. And the space between the back of the cab & the trailer is tight. It can surge forward ,whether brakes or suspension…& you are trapped. The Way you are doing it on level ground is the best way.

You say “If the pin is locked”. It cant surge any further forward if the pin is locked. I was asking if when you haven’t yet backed under the pin but hook up the air line.

I’m confused :blush: Are we talking about ‘split coupling’? Which. if we are, is featured in the DSA manual and is perfectly acceptable on test.

Yes mate, they mean split coupling.
:laughing: :laughing:

My mate Baz did this once wiv an ole ratchet trailer!!! it pinned 'is 'ead against the cab but ‘is ‘ead ‘eld it!!! ‘e just said “yeah, wos the problem?” ‘e just larfed it off an’ got on wiv his drops.
Best way mate is chock all the wheels. I carry 4 chocks wiv me in me bag !!! Tell yer boss to show ya but put yer chocks dahn first an’ you’ll get away wiv it cos it wont roll wiv chocks mate. unless you ‘ate yer boss, then leave the chocks aht of it!!! its funny cos baz dropped a trailer wiv a 25 ton container on it on its knees once ‘an ‘e just said “dunno wot all the fuss is abaht” and wound it up wivaht forklif’s!!! they were the days. Nah though its all “wear ya 'i viz” an’ “you got safety boots?” an’ "yer cant smoke ‘ere mate’ where I cam from its all ■■■■ an’ whisky fer breakfast!!! nan o’ this ‘elf an’ safety lark!!!
lost me windscreen in poland once. i just thought "only a bit o’ wind, wos the problem?" an’ drove it back to peckham wivaht a screen!!!

Ok… If the pin is locked & the air coupling is connected. And the space between the back of the cab & the trailer is tight. It can surge forward ,whether brakes or suspension…& you are trapped…

:confused: :confused: :confused: Is it me :confused: ,the trailer and unit may occasionaly rock a bit when you couple the red line, but surge forward enough to trap you :open_mouth: if the pin is locked, it aint going to move forward, :unamused:

The Way you are doing it on level ground is the best way

In an ideal world, this seldom exist’s :unamused:

Is it me ,the trailer and unit may occasionaly rock a bit when you couple the red line, but surge forward enough to trap you if the pin is locked, it aint going to move forward,

It does a bit. They kind of drop. Its only a minimal surge though.