Well there was me thinking trump was all smoke and mirrors with all mouth and no action, how little did i know.
He seems to be really enjoying what he’s doing and even enjoying it more when he gets a retaliation from some and gives them an ultimatum, and so far most have backed down in some form
The man is only starting his crusade and so far iits only on his own doorstep
Interesting times ahead
To add to the lies you repeated about Canadian tariffs, you now repeat lies about the US subsidising Canada.
Waste of time.
Yeah, because you have obviously have more inside knowledge than the most powerful man on the planet.
Taking control of Gaza now. Phone lines on 5live going nuts
. Brightened up my night.
So now the convicted criminal wants to take over Gaza and expel the inhabitants, no doubt to increase its personal fortune with the building of its favourite seaside golf courses and condominia. The Scots now very well how this goes.
Possibly ethnic cleansing. A war crime.
Netanyahu kills many and now his supporters in Israel, notably the illegal settlers cadre, have more land to build on.
Will it please the Gazans? Or create 2million more refugees and angry young men seeking revenge against the west?
Someone said Trump is “thinking outside the box”. Just like thinking that injecting disinfectant is a good idea, or that 2+2 equals 7. His fans try to “sane-wash” his comments, and look to excuse and explain his madness, and so justify their own liking of him.
Oh I wish I’d heard that.
One of the reasons I listen to 5 live phone ins is to hear the whinging lefties complaining and whinging when things dont go as they want them to, stamping their feet and chucking insults about to relieve frustration…
A lot like on here in fact
Oh yeah BBC sounds ‘Listen Again’.
Plus invasion: another war crime.
Classic, this is comedy gold
Just like Milo Minderbender was in “Catch 22”.
War, Disease, Starvation, Death of Children…all a disaster?
Nope, just a chance to turn a profit.
I am sure you realise, but others might not, that Putain, is a rude word in France and often used to describe both Putin and Trump,
Meanwhile perhaps we should concentrate on the member for Trumpton’s successes:
Notice that it wants other countries to foot the bill. That smacks of pulling the gold teeth from the corpses one has just created.
Yep. But although Canada and Mexico had already agreed, with Biden, to change things, the Maga get to bleat loudly about the genius of Trump.
Putin/Putain? I admit it is childish, but hey ho!
Yes, and for others to house the refugees he and Netanyahu create.
He does not seem adverse to the idea of getting US soldiers to clear mines and bombs on his planned golf courses does he? Mind you, if he says the US owns the land, then he can honestly say they’re not setting foot in a foreign land.
This thread is becoming more entertaining than the Brexit one.
ill tell you what is funny the ones shouting war crimes and genoside are the same ones that were happy about handing back the chagos islands and more than likely happy with all the other land we have given back and the displacement of the people.
Trump Gaza hotel and golf resort in trump city
A bit of a mouthful
True, but he would have been in his element in Dewsbury lorry park(Stormy Daniells eat your heart out)
And Starmer isnt?