Brexit and Nobel laureates

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But, again, what do they know, they are just simple, economists, Nobel laureates, they should all be joining trucknet for all up to date and reliable info about country’s prospects after Brexit. … r-germany/

The world’s Nobel economists and top German officials are deeply pessimistic about Britain’s prospects outside the European Union, warning that any drift towards a hard Brexit in the current global mood would be tantamount to strategic suicide.

“Brexit is England’s biggest policy blunder since George III fumbled away the American colonies,” said Daniel McFadden, speaking at the triennial Nobel forum on Lake Constance.

“The true costs of Brexit have yet to be seen. We’re only just starting to see an exodus from the City. The financial industry is diversifying and some of it is not going to come back,” he told the Daily Telegraph.

Professor McFaddenwon the Nobel Prize in 2000 for his work on complex social systems and ‘public choice’. As choices go, calling the British referendum was in his view a near catastrophe.

“For Ireland, Brexit has created a very sad problem. You started off with a…

Don’t listen to those experts!
Look at the advice from the Brexiteers. We’ll be alright.
Boris says so (degree in classics).
Gove says so (degree in English)
Farage says so (degree in …nowt)
OK, maybe we shouldn’t have listened to them. What about successful businessmen who support Brexit?
Murdoch has made loads of money right? He supports Brexit. He is the publisher of such trustworthy papers as the Sun and the News of the World. He knows about patriotism too. Having been born in Aus he became a patriotic Yank to get his hands on some TV stations didn’t he?

Sent from my GT-S7275R using Tapatalk

Sorry, can’t provide full article, as I am not subscriber to their premium content.
But, again, what do they know, they are just simple, economists, Nobel laureates, they should all be joining trucknet for all up to date and reliable info about country’s prospects after Brexit. … r-germany/

The world’s Nobel economists and top German officials are deeply pessimistic about Britain’s prospects outside the European Union, warning that any drift towards a hard Brexit in the current global mood would be tantamount to strategic suicide.

“Brexit is England’s biggest policy blunder since George III fumbled away the American colonies,” said Daniel McFadden, speaking at the triennial Nobel forum on Lake Constance.

“The true costs of Brexit have yet to be seen. We’re only just starting to see an exodus from the City. The financial industry is diversifying and some of it is not going to come back,” he told the Daily Telegraph.

Professor McFaddenwon the Nobel Prize in 2000 for his work on complex social systems and ‘public choice’. As choices go, calling the British referendum was in his view a near catastrophe.

“For Ireland, Brexit has created a very sad problem. You started off with a…

It’s all BS akin to the bbc and MSM bs and lies , Brexit if it ever happens will be the best thing for the country and it’s indigious people I have no doubts about it , and the sooner it happens the better

George III was actually rather shrewd in getting away from his hand there. If he hadn’t had let America go - he might have ended up like Louis XVI across the channel. Supporting America broke France outright. The British Empire of the day could no more stop America “leaving” than the EU can stop Britain from leaving now. Even less so - because the EU are unwilling to send a task force over here to “force the issue” this time around. It’s all being done on diffferences and similarities in Law. The EU have managed to pass off laws that basically indenture the entire British Isles whilst we were the sick man of Europe. Now that time has come to an end, we find ourselves continuing in austerity for no good reason other than to support the socialist cause throughout Europe.

Even among ■■■■■■■■■ Remainers - not all of them are socialist or even like the idea of a socialist Europe. Too much weight has been given to EU jurisdiction to the point that we no longer know, understand or even believe what the EU courts actually stand for any more.

WTD as a worker’s right for example - Just means more and more employers won’t be paying for hours beyond 48 per week. It doesn’t stop them from actually getting you to work more than 48 hours per week though - does it? Loosely worded laws are not worth bothering with. Let’s just stick to Magna Carta common law - and be done with it now. America took that on after splitting away from the British Empire. We can now cherry pick which laws make sense throughout Europe and which can be comfortably ditched. Seeing as no EU law is in place to prevent us being persecuted by non-EU citizens invading Europe in the guise of military age non-productive males, there doesn’t seem much else worth sticking around for. Where’s the upside with sticking with anything European law-wise? Forget all the arguments about what “Might” be lost… I want to hear what definitely WILL be lost to the UK’s detriment on Brexit completion.

Blimey if they are supposedly that bright you’d think they’d get their history right.

King George actually lost the US colonies in a war of secession and self determination.You know the type of war in which people rightly don’t want to be ruled over and dictated to by a cabal of remote undemocratic unrepresentative elites.Resulting in who knows how many casualties on all sides.While ironically America itself then went for the same ideal to rule itself.In which the admirable aim of a Confederation of Sovereign States was hijacked by another bunch of dictatorial Federalist scumbags.Predictably resulting in another War of Secession and Federalist aggression which unfortunately this time the Federalists won.Resulting in another load of unnecessary casualties and ruled to this day by a similar type of centralised remote Federal government which they’d originally fought to free themselves from.Which tramples all over state sovereignty and locally accountable democracy.Not to mention other examples of what happens when the dictatorial system of Federal government inevitably eventually gets seen for what it really is from the fall of the Roman Empire to the break up of Yugoslavia.

Why would we want to condemn future generations of Brits to that type of inevitable fate.Let alone when all that’s in it for us is paying a fortune in net contributions to make other states richer at our expense,all for the privilege of being a net importer of EU goods and services.

Bolshevik Socialist Soviet Laureates being generous with other people’s money and wanting to put us under the shackles of the EUSSR,who needs them.On that note oh wait true to form they don’t recognise any history that doesn’t fit their own Soviet type script. :imp: :unamused:

However “noble” they may be they’re opinion is not based on any facts. It is merely they’re opinion. Wanna hear mine?

Who exactly are Nobel economists, are they self made multi millionaires, like Jacob Rees Mogg for example (who we should hope dearly for the sake of our country is our next Prime Minister), or are they theory writers who made it really big in the Blair years with their right on message, often employed in academia and part of perpetuating the status quo, which rewards its own propagandists?

Top German officials…why would we in Britain take a blind bit of notice what officers in Merkel’s economic blitzkrieg department think about us leaving, we are the EU’s biggest customer and i dare say most of the money we spend goes straight into German coffers, amazingly we have been actually stupid enough to pay into this appalling club for the privelidge of being allowed to buy their overrated overpriced products for decades, you couldn’t make it up.
Little wonder, they are part of the propaganda machine encouraging those remainers benefitting from the EU to persuade us to stay after all, or to accept their latest glorified double glazing sales spiel to sign up quick to our half price sale but only if you sign today, no better than the meagre gruel Cameron came triumphantly home clutching after his renegotiation debacle where the EU showed their understandable lack of respect for the man by virtually ignoring him and giving him some sweepings up to make him go away.

Germany is doing what its always done, it wants to be in control of the EU, and to all intents and purposes it is (apart from the marvellous Visegrad group who simpy won’t do as intructed and long may that happy state continue so our children in the west have somewhere to flee to when we surrender to the current invasion/replacement agenda) and Poland in particular has not so good memories of Germany, what they couldn’t do with tanks and guns they have done with money, both buying and alternatively punishing for control and now with mass third world immigration, aided by a bought and paid for political machine, you only have to look at the various countries who, in referendums, voted no but were made to vote again till they gave the right answer, and countries, mainly Greece and Italy, where democratically elected leaders were removed from office and replaced by the EU’s (Germany’s) stooges.

It would have been little different had they sent the stormtroopers in once again which was previously their style, save that the bought and paid for medias who are part and parcel of the problem, would have been seen for the complicit liars they are by the people who might have woken up and actually noticed 500 tanks rumbling into their capital cities and airplanes dropping thousands of commandos by parachute into the surrounding fields.

As an aside, how amazing that at one time the Germans were so good at finding the thoroughly decent Jewish people, yet in these days of the surveillance superstate and electronics, each EU state (apart from the aforementioned Visegrad group) have managed to mislay thousands of migrants and haven’t a clue where they are…well i’ll give them a clue, stop paying benefits and they’ll pop their heads up somewhere.

As our American friends would say, don’t ■■■■ on me and tell me its raining.


The problem with this is it assumes people will make the same judgements and mistakes all over again, it likens Europeans to Americans and Roman Imperialism.

Also, the fact that most Brexitiers claim dictatorial rule by the un-elected - it’s a complete denial or misunderstanding of reality. Each of the member states is a democratic country and each has it’s own methods within their democracy of selecting MEP’s. In the U.K. we simply elect them, in the same way we elect all MP’s - via the ballot box.

Moving beyond that, rarely do politicians fully represent the electorate. This is for a number of reasons… (not least) the electorate are pretty lazy. Evidence can be found in both turn-out and by the number of people who fail to write to their elected MP’s. Indeed, when I’ve asked people for the name of their local MP… very few (without looking them up) actually know the answer…

Then there’s the number of people who write to their MEP… so low it’s almost insignificant.

So, if you don’t lobby, or you don’t petition - - you don’t get representation.

As someone who voted remain, I did so without worrying too much about what the Romans did, but with a view of what I want both for the present and the future of my offspring. The result has left me very concerned for the future… I worry that we will end up pretty much in the wilderness for some time to come - hopefully we’ll reach a point when enough politicians are able to take us back in.

What I would call for are new regulations to control politicians here. These would include looking at the words they use and the influence of those words. It’s very clear that some of the main Brexit leaders completely misled the public and that should be criminal and punishable by the law.

It’s also obvious that, had there been a couple of years of honest debate, then the Brexitiers would have had nothing to bring to the party. All they appear to offer is: It’ll be ok.

Basically, you’ve been had. This was always a Tory plan to increase their controls - because they constantly have human rights issues which have been rejected by the EU. Unfortunately the people who benefitted most by the restrictions imposed by the EU, are the ones most likely to feel the squeeze after we leave. In short, if you are working class you are stuffed.

The really sad thing about all of this is we had moved forward culturally with great strides and we’ve permitted a bunch of self interested politicians to do us over. Add into the mix the ultra right knuckle draggers and we have taken just as many strides back as we had forward.

As someone with a British Father and a Dutch Mother, I was lucky that my mother spoke four languages fluently, my father being typically British… was English only. My mother shared her knowledge of language with me and my siblings.

It does make me laugh though when I hear the phrase; “Making Britain Great Again.”

The British people are the most literally inept people on planet earth. You’ll not find another culture so restricted by a single language.

My question to the Brexitiers is… how are you going to make Britain great again?

Gonna shout at em and point?

The average Brexitier has completely lost grip on reality - it’s gonna be a huge set back and those at the bottom of the [zb]pile had better get real on this… your / their [zb] is gonna get much deeper, very soon.

If you need asterisks to get words past the auto censor, then that’s a clue that you’re using a banned word.
The simple rule is … just type anything you like, then leave the auto censor to do its work. dd.

Jingle Jon:

The problem with this is it assumes people will make the same judgements and mistakes all over again, it likens Europeans to Americans and Roman Imperialism.

Also, the fact that most Brexitiers claim dictatorial rule by the un-elected - it’s a complete denial or misunderstanding of reality. Each of the member states is a democratic country and each has it’s own methods within their democracy of selecting MEP’s. In the U.K. we simply elect them, in the same way we elect all MP’s - via the ballot box.

Moving beyond that, rarely do politicians fully represent the electorate. This is for a number of reasons… (not least) the electorate are pretty lazy. Evidence can be found in both turn-out and by the number of people who fail to write to their elected MP’s. Indeed, when I’ve asked people for the name of their local MP… very few (without looking them up) actually know the answer…

Then there’s the number of people who write to their MEP… so low it’s almost insignificant.

So, if you don’t lobby, or you don’t petition - - you don’t get representation.

As someone who voted remain, I did so without worrying too much about what the Romans did, but with a view of what I want both for the present and the future of my offspring. The result has left me very concerned for the future… I worry that we will end up pretty much in the wilderness for some time to come - hopefully we’ll reach a point when enough politicians are able to take us back in.

What I would call for are new regulations to control politicians here. These would include looking at the words they use and the influence of those words. It’s very clear that some of the main Brexit leaders completely misled the public and that should be criminal and punishable by the law.

It’s also obvious that, had there been a couple of years of honest debate, then the Brexitiers would have had nothing to bring to the party. All they appear to offer is: It’ll be ok.

Basically, you’ve been had. This was always a Tory plan to increase their controls - because they constantly have human rights issues which have been rejected by the EU. Unfortunately the people who benefitted most by the restrictions imposed by the EU, are the ones most likely to feel the squeeze after we leave. In short, if you are working class you are stuffed.

The really sad thing about all of this is we had moved forward culturally with great strides and we’ve permitted a bunch of self interested politicians to do us over. Add into the mix the ultra right knuckle draggers and we have taken just as many strides back as we had forward.

As someone with a British Father and a Dutch Mother, I was lucky that my mother spoke four languages fluently, my father being typically British… was English only. My mother shared her knowledge of language with me and my siblings.

It does make me laugh though when I hear the phrase; “Making Britain Great Again.”

The British people are the most literally inept people on planet earth. You’ll not find another culture so restricted by a single language.

My question to the Brexitiers is… how are you going to make Britain great again?

Gonna shout at em and point?

The average Brexitier has completely lost grip on reality - it’s gonna be a huge set back and those at the bottom of the [zb]pile had better get real on this… your / their [zb] is gonna get much deeper, very soon.

If you need asterisks to get words past the auto censor, then that’s a clue that you’re using a banned word.
The simple rule is … just type anything you like, then leave the auto censor to do its work. dd.

You seem to have ( deliberately ) missed the question how does qualified majority vote among the member states,that itself being just a rubber stamp of dictat from the unelected Commissioners,fit your supposed script of democratically governed sovereign states.If that was really true then you’d obviously have no objection to a Confederal Europe giving the National MEP groups the sovereign right of opt out and substitution over every decision and certainly no need for unelected Commissioners.

As opposed to what we’ve got of unelected commissioners issuing directives and effectively foreign MEP groups imposing decisions on foreign states where they have no electoral mandate by force of numbers.Not to mention locally un elected zb’s like Juncker and Tusk strutting around calling the tune here.IE Federal v Confederal government.

As for Brexit making us poorer suggest you check out our economic figures as of 1972 v every year since we joined the Federal scam.Which as Juddian rightly says has just been a case of us doing what’s good for Germany at our expense since we joined it.In everything from the transfer of UK industry to Europe to us paying a fortune in net contributions for the privilege of being a net importer of EU goods and services.

On that note stuff this 4th Reich we’ve voted to Leave and we want out now.What we don’t need or want is European Federalists effectively telling us to vote again and keep on voting,until we get the answer that the Germans want. :imp:

Murdoch has made loads of money right? He supports Brexit. He is the publisher of such trustworthy papers as the Sun and the News of the World. He knows about patriotism too. Having been born in Aus he became a patriotic Yank to get his hands on some TV stations didn’t he?

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From an Anthony Hilton column in the Evening Standard

I once asked Rupert Murdoch why he was so opposed to the European Union. ‘That’s easy,’ he replied. ‘When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice.’


Murdoch has made loads of money right? He supports Brexit. He is the publisher of such trustworthy papers as the Sun and the News of the World. He knows about patriotism too. Having been born in Aus he became a patriotic Yank to get his hands on some TV stations didn’t he?

Sent from my GT-S7275R using Tapatalk

From an Anthony Hilton column in the Evening Standard

I once asked Rupert Murdoch why he was so opposed to the European Union. ‘That’s easy,’ he replied. ‘When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice.’

Murdoch also supported committed EU Federalist Blair and New Labour.The point of who or what Murdoch supports one day to the next being what exactly in that case ?.