Axle weights and Lift axles

It is the position of the 5th wheel in relation to the axles that determines the distribution of the unit’s axle weights. The position of the trailer pin only effects the total amount imposed onto the unit and thence the now greater, or lesser axle weights.

He has a fixed 5th wheel. If you have two identical trailers with identical weight but the pin on one of the trailers is deeper, then more weight would be over the steer axle when hooked up to the the trailer with the deeper pin wouldn’t it??

Steering axle weight on the R440’s is 7.1t so 6.8 you’re well under weight.

‘… I’m driving a … certain company’s Green livery … With a loaded trailer, the weighbridge tells me that my steering axle is always overweight …’

Assuming that it’s the company’s yard, I’d chuck the apparent situation for their clerk/warehouse to ‘manage’, since those places tend to have ‘managers’ coming out of every office.

Or have I missed something :question: