At what time does a shift become a night shift?

There is no such time as 13.30 pm. AM/PM is a twelve hour clock.
13.30hrs is one thirty in the afternoon or 1.30 pm

There is no such time as 13.30 pm. AM/PM is a twelve hour clock.
13.30hrs is one thirty in the afternoon or 1.30 pm

AH - penny dropped - I see what you are geting at now (not the 14.5 hours bit :blush: ) :smiley: :smiley:
You are correct - one should not be used with the other - but what the heck - I knew what he meant :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

If you start before 4am you are on nights, if you finish before 23.59 you are on days :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
If you start before 4am you are on nights, if you finish before 23.59 you are on days :laughing:

Just to be opposite- :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
If you start after 4am you are on days, if you finish after 2400 you are on nights

NEXT… :wink:

24.00 hrs does not exsist, 23.59hrs is followed by 00.00hrs. Next! :unamused:

24.00 hrs does not exsist, 23.59hrs is followed by 00.00hrs. Next! :unamused:

wrong :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

24.00 hrs does not exsist, 23.59hrs is followed by 00.00hrs. Next! :unamused:

2400hrs is what comes after 2359hrs. 0000hrs is what precedes 0001hrs :wink:

look for another job…

That could be what your boss wants you to do.
If your face don’t fit or you moan too much or whatever, they try and force you out, one way or another.


24.00 hrs does not exsist, 23.59hrs is followed by 00.00hrs. Next! :unamused:

2400hrs is what comes after 2359hrs. 0000hrs is what precedes 0001hrs :wink:

just to add fuel…
it could be argued that 0000 is not there as zero(s) means ‘nothing’ :wink:



24.00 hrs does not exsist, 23.59hrs is followed by 00.00hrs. Next! :unamused:

2400hrs is what comes after 2359hrs. 0000hrs is what precedes 0001hrs :wink:

just to add fuel…
it could be argued that 0000 is not there as zero(s) means ‘nothing’ :wink:

2359 - the minute that lasts 120 seconds :smiley:




24.00 hrs does not exsist, 23.59hrs is followed by 00.00hrs. Next! :unamused:

2400hrs is what comes after 2359hrs. 0000hrs is what precedes 0001hrs :wink:

just to add fuel…
it could be argued that 0000 is not there as zero(s) means ‘nothing’ :wink:

2359 - the minute that lasts 120 seconds :smiley:

I have this brilliant idea !! - lets call it ‘midnight’ :laughing: :laughing:

hmmm dig taco goes 2359 to 0000 so acording to tacho’s 2400 aint there :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
going back to the orig question when I started driving back in the time of orse and cart nights started at 18.00 thats 6pm to the un-educated and nights then finished at 06.00 thats yeah 6am…
now if you started at 3pm 15.00 that was twilight then you went into night shift at 18.00 6pm ( see how I chaged things to mix it up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ) of coures that was to do with the pay rates but then they decided to get cocky when you worked sunday into monday nights thye dropped you from sunday rate to mon- fri rate that was untill i went home as i worked sunday night and not mid week yep 00.00 sunday i said ta ta see you next weekend :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: they soon ralised that if they paid suday rate start to finish i would stay

00.00hrs and 24.00 hrs, are one of the same thing. they are just symbols which are used to remove confusion. it was thought that most people would recognise that 00.00 would represent the beginning, and 24.00 would represent the end. however they are exactly the same time.
so you can use both.

does this have anything to do with the question? NO.

the EU has decided to tell us that daytime lasts for 20 hours and nightime lasts for 4 hours. :laughing:

six and seven year olds are going to get one to one teaching. errrrrm can the EU get some one to one teaching?
this is how the EU works it out. 20 hours in a day, a 24 hour day = 40 hours, unless that day falls between one and another then it will be 4 hours,and will be called nightime, unless that day has more that 3 hours of sunshine which must be unbroken, then the day can be added to the night, but only on a full moon, then a full day can be reduced to 24 hours. but any reduction in sun and moon days must be repayed by the end of the third week of 9 days, which must have had a minimum of 4 continuous 40 hour days of rain.

Excellent bit of explanation that Phil. Seeing as how I already don,t know what day it is ,that has been a big help :confused: :confused: But it will all change in a couple of weeks when the clocks go back, or forward or summat?? Will you be doing an update when that happens?? :laughing: :laughing:

the way i have read the rtd/wtd rules if any of your shift comes within the time period 00.00 to 04.00 you are classed as a night worker. there is a current opt out by collective agreement of the workforce to exceed the 10 hrs rule, this can either be written or verbal. but i believe a majority must agree to it.
i think also the employer must arrange health checks of night workers and that is laid down in the rules(just checked the vosa book).
also the 10 hrs rule is only working time not shift/duty.
so you could do 15 hrs duty less breaks and poa’s and still be compliant with rtd/wtd
its a load of bulls testicals really :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

oh forgot to say if you are a coach drive the night time period is 01.00 till 05.00

the way i have read the rtd/wtd rules if any of your shift comes within the time period 00.00 to 04.00 you are classed as a night worker. there is a current opt out by collective agreement of the workforce to exceed the 10 hrs rule, this can either be written or verbal. but i believe a majority must agree to it.
i think also the employer must arrange health checks of night workers and that is laid down in the rules(just checked the vosa book).
also the 10 hrs rule is only working time not shift/duty.
so you could do 15 hrs duty less breaks and poa’s and still be compliant with rtd/wtd
its a load of bulls testicals really :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

that 10 hour rule is driving/other work combined isnt it :question: :question:

Cruise Control:

the way i have read the rtd/wtd rules if any of your shift comes within the time period 00.00 to 04.00 you are classed as a night worker. there is a current opt out by collective agreement of the workforce to exceed the 10 hrs rule, this can either be written or verbal. but i believe a majority must agree to it.
i think also the employer must arrange health checks of night workers and that is laid down in the rules(just checked the vosa book).
also the 10 hrs rule is only working time not shift/duty.
so you could do 15 hrs duty less breaks and poa’s and still be compliant with rtd/wtd
its a load of bulls testicals really :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

that 10 hour rule is driving/other work combined isnt it :question: :question:

yes correct :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

This education about 23.59 & 00.00 will be wasted on most drivers, especially as many I have met cannot even do simple addition, like work out what time it is in when they cross the channel. It really confuses them when they visit Portugal or Morocco :stuck_out_tongue:

There is either a mad scramble to adjust wrist watches or sit scratching their heads as they watch the ferry sail off into the sunset :laughing:


nit pickers :unamused: :unamused: