ASDA and their new "conrtracts"

I don`t know what is happening in your imagination about Labour policies?
The new manifesto hasn``t been published yet, I think, but from 2017, page 45:

“2. Ban zero hours contracts – so that
every worker gets a guaranteed
number of hours each week.”
“7. Raise the Minimum Wage to the
level of the Living Wage (expected
to be at least £10 per hour by
2020) – for all workers aged 18
or over, so that work pays.”

Page 9
“We will take
on the social scourge of tax avoidance
through our Tax Transparency and
Enforcement Programme, and close
down tax loopholes.
But we will not ask ordinary
households to pay more. A Labour
government will guarantee no rises
in income tax for those earning below
£80,000 a year, and no increases
in personal National Insurance
Contributions or the rate of VAT.”

Of course, some of us will continue to read the Tory rags to be told what the Labour Party are saying, but the information is there if anyone has ten minutes to spare to read it. … o-2017.pdf

But as anyone who worked under both Callaghan and Blair knows the content of the Labour Party manifesto isn’t worth the toilet paper it’s written on.

As for £10 per hour that’s not much help when the guvnor then gets rid of 25 % of the workforce and expects the remaining workers to do 25% more work in an hour.

Scrapping ZHC cannot possibly be the answer. Employers would cease to take on ANYONE on a full-time “worker has more power/rights than the firm” basis. Firms would just shut down, and sell off their land for benefits claimaints housing… 100% unemployment outside the public sector, no one paying PAYE taxes left outside the public sector, and everyone on the take IN the public sector. A kind of “Chinese Venuzeulan system” where “Yuman Rights” then get stripped away for “disobeying the Left-wing government”…

No government can arbitrarily inflict ANYTHING without the consent of the public… “Not just at the five year mark, when they stand to be re-elected…”

Beychya that if Labour don’t win this election - they’ll still act as if they “won” it, refusing to drop any non-working policies, regardless…

The reason I’m Left wing only on finance - is that the one part of Capitalism that isn’t fit for purpose - is Finance.
The one part of “free handouts” that doesn’t work under socialism - is the bit where you run out of other wealth creator’s money to pay for it.
McDonnell - thinks he can borrow as much as he likes at low interest rates… Watch the Banking system demand a rather HIGHER interest rate - the moment Labour win a general election!!
“Supply and Demand” gets routinely circumvented by “flooding the labour market with cheap imported workers” that are not even from the EU much of the time, thanks to this shengen zone thing.

I’d vote for Labour tomorrow - if they embraced the Brexit Dividend concept… But no…

Poor people - ultimately want to become rich people. They don’t want to stay poor people forever, and merely be “satisfied” by rich people being pulled down to their level of poverty…


No contracts or unions on the wal mart side over here. Used to be the company asked the drivers what they thought about changing something but now they just do it and, as has been said before, you either like it or lump it. A couple of years ago head office decided to eliminate day runs and have all drivers be away all week, some drivers didn’t want to or couldn’t so they left.

I guess that’s the beauty of no contracts, nothing to break and the company has all the power.

True it’s not all bad.
I currently need the flexibility and can not do contracts.
If your in the states you should gives your opinion on the chicken issue on the other thread. Apparently dozy thinks if you eat american chicken you drop dead.

True, no contract does give you flexibility.

I did post a couple of comments on Dozy’s food thread but it didn’t go to the top of the list and i didn’t see a ‘bump’ thingy to click on so it’s still way down the list.

so the government wants to increase the minimum wage up to £10.50…this by the way is over a 3 year period…but they aint stupid are they, for it means that all and sundry would then be on a better living wage than what benefits pay…so it will be a case of get a job ( if you can ) cos the benefits will only be for short term…I have always said that people on benefits dont want to work, when they have it so good on the benefit system, so maybe thats what the government are thinking…Oh bloody hell, i knew if i commented this would get my back up…so here goes…those couch potatoes that wont work, but watch shows on tv all day, should be made to get off their backsides and forced to work…if foreigners can come over here, and pick fruit and veg, then so can our lot…ok foreigners live many to a room/house, and share the bills etc, and ours pay rents and bills themselves…so if they cannot earn a decent living wage, then the government could make it up to them with an increase…yes still benefits, but.not so much, depending on what rate is set to be a livable wage. Its often written that an immigrant gets £29 grand a year, and a pensioner gets £8 grand a year…maybe one day this anomaly can be reset…for if a pensioner can live on a pittance, that he has worked all his life for, then switch payments…if theres any truth to the writings, and we could live in comfort we deserve, now theres a thought.

I was always puzzled as to why the Tories didn’t abolish Tax Credits back in 2010… Maybe “Nick Won’t Let Me” was the answer, but I never got to read it anywhere.

As it stands, anyone is better off going self-employed with a job that pays very little money, possibly below minmum wage - which then qualifies for a hefty Working Tax Credit top-up, even if you’ve got no kids…

All it needs is a low enough income from that job, and a 30 hours per week qualifyer to get the maximum amount, some THREE TIMES higher than the current so-called “Jobseeker’s Allowance”.

What are most people gonna do then? Buy a TfL licence, and be a minicab driver, probably struggling to get minimum wage equivalent per hour… But it’s worth it when given that “safety net” of MORE Tax Credits - should your income consistently stay low, week after week… Got too many fares on Monday? - Take Friday off!

“Strategic Income Diving” - will be the new worker’s tool of the future, I suggest… FFS I was doing it 2011-2012! :blush:
Only ongoingly possible because the Tories even with a majority from 2015-2017 - DIDN’T turn over the entire tax credit system, and make benefits taper off over TIME rather than “rising income” instead.

As for these tales of “Rights Taken Away” if we do Brexit…

You mean like the right to strike and freedom of association,in the form of secondary/sympathy action which Remainer Thatcher took away around 10 years after her crony Heath took us into the EEC/EU.Or your hero Healey telling us all we were silly for daring to try to maintain incomes in real terms against rising prices. :unamused:

Yes there is a problem in the case of any employer trying to re write terms and conditions to the disadvantage of the employee.It’s a can of worms in that the legal position of the employee to refuse and go for redundancy is a grey area ( no surprise there ) and even if they do their status then for signing on for Jobseekers ( re intentionally unemployed card ) is also a grey area.

EU workers’ rights bs.As opposed to the situation in 1972.In which case employers trying to reduce terms and conditions yeah right bring it on and see what happened.

We’ve already LOST the “Right to Strike” - at least “Strike when it would be 100% effective, very quickly”…

Injunction taken out by RM managers…

There was always space for Labour to come up with plans for things like Brexit and tax hikes that don’t involve “taking any rights away” - simply because they have become the government, instead of the Tories…

Imagine if Corbyn said things like
“We will keep income tax at current levels, but scrap tax offsetting for all. PAYE workers will thus be unaffected.”
instead of:
“We will ask ordinary working taxpayers - to pay a little more” (Translation: 9% is a “little” because it is a single digit number.) Income tax upto 29% then. A £500pw earner - loses an extra £45pw in tax.
Cheers, Jezza!

Corbyn Up Yours.jpg

Cheers, Jezza!

Never once heard Corbyn say that he’ll reinstate the right to secondary action and the right to impose closed shop agreements.All rights lost under the EU.

…That’s my point. The only “RIghts” we’re gonna have taken away “If we do Brexit” - are the ones already GONE.
The rights rumoured to be going “on top” - are complete bull of course. They were given to the EU FROM the UK in the first place. - all the magna carta type stuff.

Jezza - won’t find it easy confiscating (illegally, under EU law) any Foreign-owned assets that are physically present on the UK mainland, such as Railways and Utilities in particular.

There’s not much point “confiscating” something like British Steel though, as it would likely start WWIII, - and only rake in a fraction of the cost of that in return… “Bad Business”. :stuck_out_tongue: