ASDA and their 100% levy on visiting drivers

ive got a asda discount card anyway. but to be honest i got that by going in on the agency but i really hate anything to do with asda.

This is one of those times where a hi-viz vest with the name of an agency emblazoned on the back comes into it’s own.

“Do you work here?”
“Yeah mate, I’m an agency driver…”


Well…well…someone actually took notice…and a result obtained for visiting drivers…as you know…my firm supplies directly to sainsburys…but we are still outsiders…and yet all drivers visiting sainsbos are entitled to use their canteen i would welcome a letter to them in appreciation of one of the few RDCs to use their brains…as people rightly say …we always slag off the bad ones…but rarely praise the good ones…

Visiting an Asda RDC recently, and wandering into the canteen, I was somewhat surprised to see a notice to the effect that the canteen was predominantly for the use of the RDC employees, and that visiting drivers would be subject to a 100% per cent levy on the food prices listed. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Are they taking the ■■■■ or what? If they don’t want us there then they can just say so and join the list of unfriendly companies.

I’m unaware of who made the decision but I’m sure of one thing, being that the individual involved has little knowledge of U.K. tax rules.

This is where it gets complicated. If they are saying that the cost to a ‘visitor’ is twice the amount that they would charge to an employee, then effectively, employee purchases are being subsidised by 50%, which in Taxation terms is a ‘benefit in kind’ and should be notified to HMRC in respect of every employee based at that depot (whether they use the canteen or not).

Whilst they might not like seeing us in there, is it in their interests to see their Tax codes adjusted in an adverse direction. :wink:

And if their Union Reps haven’t spotted the implications, then perhaps they need different people in those posts. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

ask in the canteen for a card most asda canteen operate a cash less system the card wil cost you a £5 with £2 credit on it … the card will work in other canteens that operate on the same system u can top the card up on coffe machines and inside the canteen normally

jessicas dad:
ive got a asda discount card anyway. but to be honest i got that by going in on the agency but i really hate anything to do with asda.

because you love driving ya big fancy green truck way ya chest puffed out


jessicas dad:
ive got a asda discount card anyway. but to be honest i got that by going in on the agency but i really hate anything to do with asda.

because you love driving ya big fancy green truck way ya chest puffed out

no no not me i bloody hated driving for asda on the agency out of wakefield. :imp: