Anybody interested in starting a UK branch of the Teamsters

Seems to work well in the U.S. but they work to a totally different set of rules to the U.K… Anyone can set up as a haulier in the U.S. with minimal requirements, you can keep a tractor unit in your drive and use it for 6 months of the year and have another job, no tachographs to worry about, cheaper running costs… its just a different situation.

Sounds easier than what we have to put up with. :smiley:

God Bless America!! :smiley: :sunglasses: :wink:

Urban Myth Alert

We should be more like the French.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Mr B:
a union would be good for the haulage industry if everyone would stand together. Unfortunetly you could only set it up from a position of strength at the moment our industry is in such a weak position it would never work.

not entirely true, if every truck was parked up for 24 hours, at the same time, the country would pretty much come to a standstill.

that said, some people just arent willing to give up wages, or fear for their job too much therefore we’ll ALWAYS have “scabs”.

just also want to point out I can understand why some people do scab, i wouldnt do it myself but i couldnt label them all bad people as you dont know everybodys circumstances.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Thats got swinging public opinion written all over it …

Make them hate you even more …


best idea i have heard for years

we need a body to stand up to people who dictate to us on driver hours ect.i dont want to work longer hours and i dont like all this talking down us when some obscure complicated rule has been broken.hing like the silly wtd and the poa is an example of pricks in charge there is one thing for sure what has to be done will not be easy dont forget we are dealing with the people who gave us driver cpc nvq.s and all the other rubbish that is supposed to make life better for us poa,s dont make me laugh

we need a body to stand up to people who dictate to us on driver hours ect.i dont want to work longer hours

So don’t work them then, no one is holding a gun to your head. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Why can’t you just say no yourself instead of wanting somebody else to do it for you? :confused: :confused:

like many peope have said, we just dont stick together in this country, im all for it though, things need to improve

things need to improve

Just out of curiosity, what things? I often hear this things need to improve thing mentioned but I wonder what the ‘things’ are?

coffee i dont work the hours but i used to years ago when i was daft.children were sent u8p chimmnys but they dont do it now although i feel that a few people in this gov would like to bring it and i may have good jobs coffee but ther is a lot out there who have bad ones

we should do like the french and have what they call “jour d’escargot” in english it translates as DAY OF THE SNAIL

The idea is you do your job as directed BUT you only travel at a maximum of 30 mph. EVERYWHERE motorways included.

Imagine the queues behind you on most roads.

mind you it would be a bit dangerous doing 30 around London :laughing:

we should do like the french and have what they call “jour d’escargot” in english it translates as DAY OF THE SNAIL

Which the French truck drivers haven’t done for years. :unamused: :unamused: Each time they have tried it in recent times they have been threatened with the loss of their licences and the police put an end to it before it starts. In fact it doesn’t even get as far as snail’s pace. :wink: :smiley:

coffee i dont work the hours but i used to years ago when i was daft.

There you go then, we all used to do daft things but now we have enough sense to have it sorted so we don’t. :wink:

children were sent u8p chimmnys but they dont do it now although i feel that a few people in this gov would like to bring it back.

I can thing of more than a few I would like to see sent up chimneys, preferably while the fire was lit. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Sorry coffee i haven’t been abroad for a number of years they used to do it then
i stand corrected for being a little bit out of touch (probably with reality as well) :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


we should do like the french and have what they call “jour d’escargot” in english it translates as DAY OF THE SNAIL

Which the French truck drivers haven’t done for years. :unamused: :unamused: Each time they have tried it in recent times they have been threatened with the loss of their licences and the police put an end to it before it starts. In fact it doesn’t even get as far as snail’s pace. :wink: :smiley:

if we did do it would it do any good apart from turning Joe public against the industry even more than what they are already? i agree something needs to be but protests and the such like wont really get you that far. it will be all over the news then tomorrow you will be eating your chips off it!

i have just received a hand written letter from our local MP asking for my vote in the up and coming local elections and it has his address on it so i am going to write him a letter about the transport industry and to see what the response will be.

i will try to keep you all informed what the answer is.

LOL Coffee!! :smiley:

I think putting chavs up chimneys would be good for the economy and reduce the amount of heat lost up the chimney also thus helping the environment. Everyone’s a winner!! :wink:


things need to improve

Just out of curiosity, what things? I often hear this things need to improve thing mentioned but I wonder what the ‘things’ are?

You really need to ask that? :open_mouth:



things need to improve

Just out of curiosity, what things? I often hear this things need to improve thing mentioned but I wonder what the ‘things’ are?

You really need to ask that? :open_mouth:

Yeah I do. ‘Things’ is a pretty broad … er… well thing. :wink: :smiley: The vast majority of drivers I know, are happy in their job, earning decent enough money for little effort, doing a stress free job they enjoy and none of them are saying ‘things’ need to improve.

N2N Transport:
LOL Coffee!! :smiley:

I think putting chavs up chimneys would be good for the economy and reduce the amount of heat lost up the chimney also thus helping the environment. Everyone’s a winner!! :wink:

I hadn’t even thought of the environmental benefits, it just became an even more appealing idea. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the rha have got teeth, they’re just sat in a glass by the side of the bed . . . . . . . anyone got any fixadent . . . . .

I’m amazed/astounded that any drivers are actually members of the RHA, or thought they might want to be. WAKE UP, its a HAULIERS association, for the benefit of its members that move freight by road. I’m not saying its a bad one, its just not a drivers associaton, infact the RHA has been partly responsible (by lobbying ) for your employer not being liable for what you do (for the most part) even though its them that monitor you and tell you what to do (or should be) , in every other industry they are liable. The RHA also looked at recruiting drivers direct from Poland for its members, who where experiencing a driver shortage :wink: They are also partly to thank for the ‘scope’ the WTD gives us!! You could go on all night. Well i could !! I’ll stop now. :open_mouth: