Another general election

The trouble with first past the post, and pr is there are too many parties. We need a system where you whittle down to 2, much like the French presidential elections



For anyone interested this is how it would have looked under the fairer proportional representation system

con…276…318… -42
lab…260…262… -2
lib…48…12… +36
snp…20…35… -15
ukip…12…0… +12
green…11…1… +10
dup…6…10… -4
sinn fein…5…7… -2
plaid cymru…3…4… -1
ind…3…1… +2
ulster union…2…0… +2
sdlp…2…0… +2
other…2…0… +2

Common sense/logic says that PR is a fairer system as we are voting for a UK wide Govt not a local Govt

Contact your MP and they do not ask who you voted for !

But we would still have a hung parliament.

It may seem fairer, but based on those figures any government that was formed (if a government could be formed) would be unable to do anything of any significance because the ruling party would be dependant on the support of so many other parties.

That is the idea - they would be forced to work together for the good of the country

Realistically it’s more a case of at least making the seat count be a more direct reflection of the vote count.As opposed to the situation of 4 million UKIP votes resulting in effectively no seats v 1.5 million SNP votes resulting in 56 seats.Which in large part probably explains the collapse in the UKIP vote.In addition to stopping the issue of people voting tactically on the basis of who they don’t want rather than who they do want to represent them.

However that will still leave the issue of the ideological differences between the electorate being so great that there’s no way that they can possibly work together or co operate or be reconciled.At which point it all gets very messy as in the case of the argument between ideologically Nationalist v Socialist/Federalist for example which is more or less where we’re headed now.

In addition to the question that we’re possibly actually ruled by an all powerful banker class establishment in which so called ‘elections’ are just a diversion for public consumption anyway.With that banker elite seeing more advantage in backing the centralised Soviet type Socialist line,including China :open_mouth: ,than the old established Nationalist one based on the idea of the Nation State.In which the actual count then bears no relation to the actual votes regardless of the electoral system.On that note the idea that the UKIP vote in large part ran off to vote for Corbyn or May,rather than increasing,seems a bit unbelievable to me.Just as the vote count for Fillon and Menchelon in the primaries and then all too predictably Macron v Le Pen in France was.With that Socialist/Federalist agenda already showing its typical disdain for the democratic process in the way it’s trying to ignore the referendum vote and de rail the Brexit process.With it being my bet that the Leave vote was actually far higher than we were led to believe anyway.Possibly to the point where even massive rigging of the count still couldn’t create enough Remain votes.

On that note how can people like Goldsmith and Raab being voted back into office,in what were supposedly massive Remain constituencies,be explained ?.Especially after Goldsmith was thrown out supposedly on exactly that basis with a supposed massive swing to the LibDems only a year previously. :confused:

The trouble with first past the post, and pr is there are too many parties. We need a system where you whittle down to 2, much like the French presidential elections

Ironically the problem with the two Party system is when there’s a so called centre Party getting in the way of what’s needed in the straight choice between Nationalist v Socialist.Bearing in mind that the so called ‘centre’ is just now playing to the latter anyway.

I think this election has proved there’s a desperate need for a new party in the centre ground. From what I can see, the vote was split between the respective parties ■■■■■■■■ vote, and swing voters who genuinely couldn’t work out where to put their x for the best. People really shouldn’t have to compromise with their vote, that’s for the politicians to do

there are other methods of democracy that aren’t about voting in elections, coming soon? … -pj25dzmcs