Agency Phonecalls

My post is assumption only

Several companies seem to be recruiting a spare driver (doing something else when not needed)

A couple of managers have said to me come 1st September the agencies have said “you will only be able to book a driver for the week”

If both these are correct it should be good news for newbies

  1. Agency odd days
  2. As company spare driver
  3. Maybe companies may value actually teaching the newbies.

Anyone who has read my posts will know I stick my nose in and have an opinion, I do try to voice myself gently in order not to upset, well yesterday I stuck my nose in and got a Thank you from the company & the Newbie (makes me feel my interfering is worthwhile)

Text to my mobile says we got your number from a data base would you like to join our agency.

What data base am I on I wonder.

Several companies seem to be recruiting a spare driver (doing something else when not needed)

A couple of managers have said to me come 1st September the agencies have said “you will only be able to book a driver for the week”

My local DHL depot have recently taken several drivers on the book, on a temp to perm contract. But judging by the planning (maxing out the shifts) they are going to be laid off post Xmas.
Likewise the main agency at that site are in negotiations to push for week long bookings, or some kind of guaranteed pay/bonus for completed weeks, or cancelled shifts.
Personally I dont like bonus schemes, as they tend not to materialise into my bank, Id prefer and increase in rates of around 10%+ But I tend to work the niche jobs at that site, where there are only a handful of agency driver authorised to do the job, and other agency drivers don`t like the volume of handball (sometimes 20-30 Tonne a week) into bakeries, or the security at certain sites ie: prisons

Pierre is spot on here, I’ve not given my number to anyone other than those I’ve signed with. You do notice agency bods moving around, a bit like drivers I suppose, and they do remember you when they are on the lookout.

Ive been doing this agency malarkey for over 15yrs, and tend to keep track of the movements of agency bods moving around, usually when a new face appears in the office (or voice at the end of the phone) the game of musical chairs begins, with someone else changing jobs and filling their place, then someone else moves etc. this is when the cycle of unsolicited phone calls begins, especially if one of them leaves an office your recently worked for. One guy tends to ring me once a year trying to keep track of what Im up to, he was responsible for the demise of Sheffield driverhire, as he ran the office for the franchisee, but setup on his own (intransit) stripping out the address book, taking the drivers with him. Shortly after DH Sheffield folded