As has been said, this has been a grey are for years, and one where the Police do exersize discretion.
In last nights case, the guy was obviously drunk, & therefor certainly should not have been in charge of a motor vehicle. If you are that drunk, it is extremely unlikely you will be under the limit by the time you start driving the following day.
If you wander along to the pub, have a meal & couple of pints, its most unlikely the Police would be overly concerned. Its also unlikely you would still be over (If indeed you ever were in the 1st place) next morning.
Where i work, people park up on the road outside the gates for the night/weekend. It is a wide road. There are pubs within falling out of the cab distance.
Also, the vehicles are unlit, which is an offense in itself. Nobody bothers.
If you park in a laybye, that is part of the highway and, technically, you should be lit up.
When in a truckstop or on a pub car park, that is private land, you can get as drunk as you like, so long as you don’t drive off that land until you are under the limit.
cornish trucker:
Well Boss… the night heaters broke and you said, use anyway to keep yourself warm! (No wise crack comments Ladytrucker)
John when you phoned me up and wanted rescuing on friday because the night heater had packed in I told you to run around the truck park in your BOXERS!!! not wear your saturday specials.
on another note, why didnt the kid with the Saxo get done? 1 bald tyre and one on the limit? thats a sure sign of wheelspinning to impress the girlies. he went round the corner too fast and lost it (amatuers tut) and he didnt even get read the riot act? i think the police were being lenient in front of the camera to show us they are not monsters.
i got 3 points and a fine last year cos a speeding motorbike wrote my car off the previous year. then this ugly little bugger comes along and gets away with bald tyres, speeding and dangerous driving!
yes i am bloody bitter about it
I think the speeding and dangerous driving were a non-starter, as the officer would have been wholly rleiant on the evidence of the boys friends as witnesses, because the officer didn’t see theoffences being committed.
As for the bald tyre, that one confused me a bit, but I think it had something to do with the fact the car wasn’t on the road when the officer identified the tyre as being bald.
The lad with the Paxo had already suffered enuf… He was humiliated infront of his mates… Crashed his car (prob 3rd party)… AND had no money to get home… The initial prospect before the tow truck turned up…
Was funny the way the copper said " IF it was on the road, I could do you for those tyres " …
As for the other guys…
The Elise only lost if cuz he saw the copper and instinctively let off, mid bend, cuz he knew he was going too fast… The cop saw he was shaking, and again, he had learnt something… Don’t let off mid-bend in an Elise WHATEVER is coming the other way…
THe Biker who overtook on the dble white lined bend, probably had the least dangerous offense, considering how fast they can go… BUT it was his attitude that got my back up… So he deserved his ticket cuz he was only miffed he’d got pulled, there was NO remorse for breaking the law… …
The Biker who overtook on the dble white lined bend, probably had the least dangerous offense, considering how fast they can go… BUT it was his attitude that got my back up… So he deserved his ticket cuz he was only miffed he’d got pulled, there was NO remorse for breaking the law… …
I think the worst bit was he didnt see the police car behind him
Being a biker myself you must be totally aware of your surroundings - if you cannot observe a jam sandwich behind you and then proceed to overtake on white lines which are their for your safety you deserve what you get.
The bikers attutude was only going to get him more bother - he was moaning that he was a cab driver and would be in trouble with more points - in that case dont do the crime if you cannot stand the punishment.
The lad with the Paxo had already suffered enuf… He was humiliated infront of his mates… Crashed his car (prob 3rd party)… AND had no money to get home… The initial prospect before the tow truck turned up…
i lost a 3 grand car and he tried to do me for a tyre that wasnt bald!
The Elise only lost if cuz he saw the copper and instinctively let off, mid bend, cuz he knew he was going too fast… The cop saw he was shaking, and again, he had learnt something… Don’t let off mid-bend in an Elise WHATEVER is coming the other way…
he shouldnt drive like that if he cant handle the car. gentle accelerating is the name of the game on corners. unless its my car and the turbo sends the rear end out even at low revs
THe Biker who overtook on the dble white lined bend, probably had the least dangerous offense, considering how fast they can go… BUT it was his attitude that got my back up… So he deserved his ticket cuz he was only miffed he’d got pulled, there was NO remorse for breaking the law… …
The sleeping, having had a drink, was something I was concerned about when I started driving. I wrote to the authorities and the answer was:-
If the vehicle is built or adapted for sleeping in, the driver can keep the keys in his or her possession.
The keys must not be in the ignition.
You need to be able to secure your vehicle, therefore you need to keep the keys in your possession.
The deciding factor, I was told, was whether or not the keys are in the ignition.
Sleeping in the bunk fitted into a sleeper cab or a camper van is OK, after having a drink. Crashing out on the passenger seat of a car isn’t.
some modern cars & especially MPV’s have seats which let down to completely flat, therefor forming a bed. So it could be argued that it is:
" built or adapted for sleeping in! "
Having been using a truck recently with a bunk in it, and seperate keys for each door, and for ignition, an easy answer would be to have a lockable cubby inside the cab, pop the ignition key in there, pop off for a jar with just the door keys in your posession and then there’s no confusion about being in posession of the key that puts you in control of the vehicle?
or like me, just don’t drink on a night before a days work
el gordo 78:
Having been using a truck recently with a bunk in it, and seperate keys for each door, and for ignition, an easy answer would be to have a lockable cubby inside the cab, pop the ignition key in there, pop off for a jar with just the door keys in your posession and then there’s no confusion about being in posession of the key that puts you in control of the vehicle?
or like me, just don’t drink on a night before a days work
but would you not have possession of the key to that secure box/cubby hole ■■? there fore still in possessionor access i should say to the keys that control that vehicle.
Also is the law applied to vehicles that are running only or the posiibility of the vehicle moving without mechanical form?