ADR training ,which one should i choose?


thanks a lot guys, ok i’m just gonna do the lot,except i think 2 and 7 if i remember correctly , it costs 550 and i reckon it will be worth it in a long run

With dcpc hours ?

dont think so , i ve completed it anyway

Sat my ADR exams today, and have the tanks module exam tomorrow. I’d say they are pretty easy, although I will have to wait a few weeks for the results to confirm that. I think it’s worth mentioning that the ADR “DRIVER” exams are really only an overview of ADR, and relevant to what the driver needs to know. And I can say for sure I wouldn’t want to do the full “Operators” ADR exams, as that would probably fry my brain! So respect to those that have!

So i’d say go for it, especially if you need the CPC credits, which are 28 hours if you do the tanks module as well.

Mine cost £530 inc tanks. £500 for the course, and £30 for the CPC credits.

… And I can say for sure I wouldn’t want to do the full “Operators” ADR exams, as that would probably fry my brain! So respect to those that have!

Hi Evil8Beezle,

I’m guessing that you might mean the DGSA exams, because I’ve never heard of “operator’s ADR exams.”
If my guess is correct, you’re quite right about DGSA exams being rather tough to pass, because some people who are qualified DGSAs fail the requalification if they take their eye off the ball.

Your description of the driver’s ADR course is spot-on because the whole idea of it is to give drivers a non-technical overview of what’s what and an indication of the dangers and procedures to do with dangerous goods.

Good luck with your results!! :smiley:

Thanks Dave,

So YES, I “the driver” don’t even know the name for the higher level (DGSA) exams.:blush: - But I don’t need too! :smiley:

I just need a basic understand of the general topic, the rules, characteristics and risks of each class. Plus when you have a mixed load which may be in or out of ADR scope, you might need to get the calculator out. But probably only to double check what the boss says! :wink:

Obviously there is a little more than that, but i’m not going to recite the syllabus…

Thanks Dave,

So YES, I “the driver” don’t even know the name for the higher level (DGSA) exams.:blush: - But I don’t need too! :smiley:

I just need a basic understand of the general topic, the rules, characteristics and risks of each class. Plus when you have a mixed load which may be in or out of ADR scope, you might need to get the calculator out. But probably only to double check what the boss says! :wink:

Obviously there is a little more than that, but i’m not going to recite the syllabus…

If the boss has it wrong then its not legally on your head as the driver

Good to know ROG, but it’s probably something I’d like to do, just to see if I’m smart enough to work it out myself!

Probably not… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Good to know ROG, but it’s probably something I’d like to do, just to see if I’m smart enough to work it out myself!

Probably not… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

If your boss says it’s out of scope, then, as Rog says, it’s out of scope.

If, you can sit there, looking at all the products, and work it out and decide it’s in scope, it’s still out of scope, but also you’re in the wrong job.

There’s MANY factors in deciding if something is in scope, hence those DGSA guys are paid the big bucks :wink: