
I’m stunned that Rob is agreeing with Conor :open_mouth:

I’m stunned that Rob is agreeing with Conor :open_mouth:

So am I tbh. :neutral_face: :laughing:

I had quarter of tank of ad blue,.and around half a tank of derv

Do you drive a diesel by any chance ?


Nothing gets past YOU doze. :smiley: …Ever fancied a carreer in the CID ?

I think that what our shining light was alluding to was that Beefy had possibly appropriated the diesel and ad blue for his own private vehicle. Unfortunately the only flaw in our erstwhile Sherlocks thinking is possibly why would Beefy transfer his contraband into x number of receptacles on the side of the A50 when even a simpleton could figure out that it’s far easier to leave it in the big receptacle it comes in right up until the moment he’s actually close to his car?

the maoster:
I think that what our shining light was alluding to was that Beefy had possibly appropriated the diesel and ad blue for his own private vehicle. Unfortunately the only flaw in our erstwhile Sherlocks thinking is possibly why would Beefy transfer his contraband into x number of receptacles on the side of the A50 when even a simpleton could figure out that it’s far easier to leave it in the big receptacle it comes in right up until the moment he’s actually close to his car?

Ahhh right got ya,.I was untypically a bit slow there bud, he meant his own car…my apologies to my mate doze.
I get it now,.he’s actually accusing beefy of being a thief. :open_mouth: :laughing:

yeah I do drive a little diesel £20 of fuel runs it about 3 months I only use it to travel 2 miles to the yard on a monday and back home again on a friday . I earn enough not to have to steal from my employer , but its nice to see the mentality of some here as I said in an earlier post - take what you can and fill your boots .

yeah I do drive a little diesel £20 of fuel runs it about 3 months I only use it to travel 2 miles to the yard on a monday and back home again on a friday . I earn enough not to have to steal from my employer , but its nice to see the mentality of some here as I said in an earlier post - take what you can and fill your boots .

I’m still amazed that he publicly implied you were a thief without a hint of irony…maybe that’s why I didn’t pick up on it at first. :smiley:


yeah I do drive a little diesel £20 of fuel runs it about 3 months I only use it to travel 2 miles to the yard on a monday and back home again on a friday . I earn enough not to have to steal from my employer , but its nice to see the mentality of some here as I said in an earlier post - take what you can and fill your boots .

I’m still amazed that he publicly implied you were a thief without a hint of irony…maybe that’s why I didn’t pick up on it at first. :smiley:

I’m not exactly worried about Doze , I’ve seen/heard enough of his escapades here on Trucknet that I’d be in a very bad place if I should ever have to ask his advice , of course unless I need to survive on a Ginsters pie and a bottle of Fizzy pop .

the maoster:
I think that what our shining light was alluding to was that Beefy had possibly appropriated the diesel and ad blue for his own private vehicle. Unfortunately the only flaw in our erstwhile Sherlocks thinking is possibly why would Beefy transfer his contraband into x number of receptacles on the side of the A50 when even a simpleton could figure out that it’s far easier to leave it in the big receptacle it comes in right up until the moment he’s actually close to his car?

Yeah take 200 l out of the tanks on a Tuesday night and keep it in the truck to Friday knowing full well that the boss will be about the yard when I get home and that our yard is covered in cctv . Could anyone suggest where I’d keep 200 l in or around a Volvo FH? There must be a compartment somewhere that I don’t know about :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Watch it mate…dozy will have that down as a confession. :laughing: