A bit of bad weather and .


Nice rack

Warm front.

but could get wetter later with a sudden shower…i reckon she got them from the same funbag factory as carol vorderman who just keeps getting sluttier with every passing year,though shes almost at the borderline boiler stage now… :smiley:

This was my driver’s view for 48hrs last week.

This is a map of Western Manitoba, red denotes the road is closed, Eastern Manitoba was exactly the same, there was only a 20km stretch of the main Trans-Canada highway open through Manitoba and it’s over 500kms long.

Not exactly coping with it is it!

Should have got matey boy in front to clear a path, with the 360 :bulb:
Nice mirrors btw.

That’s what I told him but the lazy git didn’t want to know, can’t get the staff these days!

I don’t mind the snow Danne, as long as it’s cold enough to keep it dusty and the wind isn’t blowing it about too much, as you know, it’s no big deal to drive on cold dusty snow, as long as you can see where you’re going of course.

It’s when it’s a few degrees below freezing that it gets difficult, then it’s evil slippery stuff and turns to packed ice as vehicles drive over it and if it’s windy it gets polished to a shine. When it’s like that it’s a hard day in the office, you feel a sense of relief when you park at night and can finally let go of the steering wheel.

I can just second that! The colder the better. We had a lot of the sluch thing here in Stockholm,so i prefer the long runs up north.


Nice pics dirty dan …looks lime the roads we had to cope with on the middle east routes…snow chains on…snow chains off, every few miles…the eastern bloc countries were the worst as they never invested in snow clearance vehicles, and sand /grit/salt, was not there or used. turkey faired better, but had rubber blades and only skimmed the top, very little grit/salt either…but most accidents were caused by driving too fast, believing that Allah is their god, and will keep them from harm…especially if you had an eye watching you…ha ha

Nice pics dirty dan …looks lime the roads we had to cope with on the middle east routes…snow chains on…snow chains off, every few miles…the eastern bloc countries were the worst as they never invested in snow clearance vehicles, and sand /grit/salt, was not there or used. turkey faired better, but had rubber blades and only skimmed the top, very little grit/salt either…but most accidents were caused by driving too fast, believing that Allah is their god, and will keep them from harm…especially if you had an eye watching you…ha ha

Well i can think that you had abit wors roads then i have up here now. But sure i can be bad up north sometimes but just relax and enjoy the ride :smiley:
