08 actros

Why do truck companies make such driver unfreindly trucks?

As an agency dude, maybe they rely on a transport office flunky to give you 100% attention to train you at 06.30 on a Monday morning.

(Apologies if you were caught up when I vaguely recall snarling Hemel Hempsted not realising the pre-select I was ‘programming-in’ would bite my ■■■■ and stall the shed when I eventually dipped the ‘no-need, mate’ clutch. Hateful way to learn, eh…and all that German disco lark too …though my fatigue-free left arm ended-up liking it for the day)

As I have said a duty of care, training must be given to any driver who is unfamiliar with a vehicle under the H& E guidelines. The company if asked must do this. If they don’t then ? :wink:

From a driver’s point of view i think the cab is generally a nice place to be. In a mechanical sense though i don’t rate Mercedes full stop whether it be an Actros, Axor or an Atego. I spend far more time with these on the back of the wrecker than any other vehicle so i let that fact do the talking.

Sorry guys but cant disagree more the actross is one of the more driver friendly trucks out there !
The box is very smooth as long as you dont try to jump to many gears and yes it will give you a wee beep and rattel if you try change to quick , honest after half a day you will find it so easy to use ,
The cab is very well layed out and has a good comfort level !

the actros is still my favourite but it could do with proper cup holders. the holes that they provide are rubbish

‘…the actros…could do with proper cup holders…the holes that they provide are rubbish…’

The apparently commonly disliked DAF wins then. Nice deep bucketty holes for yer splosh…luvverly

My baby :laughing: . (Well it’s the bosses, but he lets me drive it a few thousand Km’s every week).

I like them to be honest.

OK, so the telligent gear box takes a bit of getting used to, but after 10 minutes it’s easy enough to use. As for the clicker, drivers are renown for driving ‘by ear’, the clicker tells you ‘by ear’ that your in gear. If it machine guns you, you’ve dropped the clutch to early and missed it.

I find it a pretty good cab to live in. There’s a decent amount of storage space. My cup fits the cup holders. The bunk is comfy enough. Everything falls to hand when your driving. The only thing I’m not happy with, is the space for my left foot… It’s not as bad as the 4 series Scania, but it could be better.

Ellies Dad I am a ZF 18 speed lover I dont think there was a better box made, and I have driven a few

who cares about a gearbox, at the moment u should be grateful u have a wagon to drive and a job! if i was given a 1980’s daf i would be chuffed to bits as long my kids have food on the table and my mortgage is paid!

I think if you’re quite a laid back driver, then you’ll live with the truck far easier than somebody who’s trying to get everywhere yesterday. I certainly wouldn’t say no to one, though my personal choice is an FH with I shift.

Rusty Nail:
From a driver’s point of view i think the cab is generally a nice place to be. In a mechanical sense though i don’t rate Mercedes full stop whether it be an Actros, Axor or an Atego. I spend far more time with these on the back of the wrecker than any other vehicle so i let that fact do the talking.

Prepare to meet Mike-C then Mr.R.Nail :laughing:

While we’re running down the Actros two things have got loose in mine.A guy was fittin the CB and knelt on one of the drivers seat armrests-it’s now loose and the table under the bed has got a bang and now doesnt fold down 100% flat9more like 95% now)
cant win em all eh :blush:


Andy smg:
I think if you’re quite a laid back driver, then you’ll live with the truck far easier than somebody who’s trying to get everywhere yesterday.

very true although the same could be said about all autos. they dont change gear as fast as a manual. the actros does seem to take longer than most though which doesnt make it an easy truck to pull out onto a road with