MAN sat nav

Man arnt going to fit something in there lorries that is going to have you crashing into this that & every thing are they , do you doubt your a-z , lorry drivers map , google , do you doubt yourself , it’s not a dig at you , but it does make I laugh that no-one trusts a lorry specific sat nav , but a map , google that could just as easy be wrong they trust 100% .
Personally I’d stick in the specific dimensions for the lorry & see where it takes me

Dozy , did you not read my original post ?

If you did you would have seen that I use sat nav for checking fastest route ,traffic etc …I don’t need to follow sat nav like a sheep or have a melt down if it isn’t working …I just like to check the most time efficient route when going to new places .

I am sure you play up deliberately for the attention,like a kid with ADHD

Any way I I’m in the Premod gang so I need to be nice .

Dozy me old mate PM and I will give you number of a great councillor who might be able to move you on from this childish behaviour ■■