Tramp Lady at the Services

She’s called Lorna and comes from Scotland. First saw her at Lancaster services several years ago when she was in her late teens. Saw her a few months ago and time hasn’t been kind, I don’t think she’s even 30 yet. Once saw here sat in the foyer at 2am at Tibshelf services one winter. Went in and bought her a Maccy’s meal.

Says she’s interested in going back home to her parents but won’t accept offers to.

Sadly I get the feeling from some of the things she’s said that she gets abused by some of the drivers who give her a lift because she is under the influence. When I saw her last time and said it’d been a while since I’d seen her she asked if she had behaved herself the previous time. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

A shame but she seems to have little interest in being helped.