Tramp Lady at the Services

Whatever her story, many of us could have fallen through the cracks at one or several points in our lives when things went pear shaped for us, luckily other things kept us afloat.

There but for the grace of God go i, used to be the saying, as true today as ever.

I have a deep loathing of those who closed the residential homes for the mentally unwell, a chap called Enoch Powell had a hand in that, admittedly no not all were good or run well.
However those places at least offered a sanctuary for those needing help to rest their heads in peace and get a hot meal, but more importantly they kept damaged people at their weakest and most vulnerable away from the streets, usually the poorest of streets well away form those who make such decisions, where scum have and continue to prey on those needing help and protection, care in the community my arse.