The Spiders Web, Britain's Second Empire


Deflection from the current affairs of this country’s membership of the Deep State, to which sadly our current government has long since gone over to, what with dropping Right Wingness that got them elected in favour of “Green” ■■■■■■■■ we didn’t even vote for.

Strange how the Greens were permitted the single nexus MP which anything to do with Farage - was denied

I don’t see why the Tories should pander so much to the policies of the smallest minority in the house of commons!

I’m sure thousands of cash-strapped Britons feeling the pinch - could have found a better use for the billions handed over to the Borgia-like Ukraine regime as well, of course… Even if Ukraine could win this war (which they cannot, militarily) - we won’t be getting a return on that “investment”, and we’ve already got scores of so called “Refugee families” coming over here, where strangely the wives and daughters “didn’t make it”, nor the junior-school-aged kids, but oddly military-aged Dad, Sons, Uncles, Nephews, and Lodgers all did get bounced into a friendly Liberals executive property, only for “Householder” to sadly die of covid/cycle accident/knife attack/blood clot leaving the entire lavish property to the likes of the new “off the radar” crowd that now run the place, with no risk of “rapid probate” evicting them any time soon…

All moot if as I think the Ukraine thing will sooner or later end very badly.
For us specifically if/when the Russian generals run out of patience with their ‘NATO’ problem which caused the Ukraine operation.
Like mine their bet will probably be that NATO won’t want to escalate when the country has been made three big smoking craters that were London, Manchester and Bristol as an example and a gauntlet.

It’ll only end badly, if those backing the labs - are not brought to book, or at least busted out of office, mostly during the November mid-terms state-side…

Trump doesn’t need to overturn the 2020 election, now that his “Overthrow” has become a fait accompli.

He only need make sure that the same thing cannot ever happen again.

Talk of the Republicans turning over 100 congress seats, of which over 90% of the “candidates” are Trump’s own endorsed people…

Even if they JFK Trump at this point - the juggernaut won’t likely be stopped - with the truth about Ukraine coming out likely via the very channels banned in the west “because they don’t want you to know”…

Obviously writing channels like RT off as “conspiracy theory putin mouthpiece nonsense” - couldn’t be left to chance…

Anyone can carry on watching, not even requiring a proxy to do so.

It isn’t illegal to watch whatever you want, unless the material itself has been declared illegal. The authorites don’t actually know what the “Material” is though, only that they fear it. “Risk of the Truth being told” is a lot scarier than “risk of being bulls hitted” to these clowns… You don’t feel the need to ban “conspiracy theories” unless they breach security clearances in an uncomfortable manner to entire countries… David Icke was prevented from talking about “proven dodgy covid jabs”, but was left to make as much of an idiot of himself as he wished over “transmsittable pathogens via 5g” or “Lizard Royals” - obviously a load of rubbish even to a seasoned conspiracy theorist such as myself…

“Debunked by biased TV commentors” - doesn’t cut it, as a court declaration is required to officially DO that “debunking” not some hit-piece on a Loony Left-Lickcock TV station like CNN… or MSNBeebies