Agencies want to know too much?


it was common practice to take a copy of an agency driver’s licence before they even got in a truck. Don’t recall any of them objecting. why would you; unless you’ve got something to hide?

They don’t object…

Because they’ll be going home unpaid if they refuse.

verb [ T ]
/kəʊˈɜːs/ us
to persuade someone forcefully to do something that they are unwilling to do:

So, you’re trusting someone with a lorry and a load, possibly only for one shift; and you’re happy if that driver does some damage or has an accident without informing you, and you have no record of who he is without asking the agency?

Or you get a speeding ticket for the lorry and you’re asked to provide details of who was driving, and can’t? DVSA don’t take kindly to that.

That’s not coercion matey, it’s plain common sense. The company is covering its arse, as it has every right to.