Bagged Compost.



More like removing another potential alternative fuel source to create their all electric captive market.
How does peat thrown on the garden add to CO2.

The world’s peat bogs hold far more carbon than all the world’s forests added together. It has been built up in them over the millenia. Simply digging the stuff up releases much of it into the atmosphere, burning or rotting it down releases the rest of it.

Trees actually convert CO2 into Oxygen via photosynthesis.
We’re told that fossil fuel releases CO2 when it’s burnt.Now they are saying it doesn’t need to even be burnt to release it.
These climate scammers can’t even keep their own lies straight.
The truth is burning peat is an alternative to the all electric captive market scam and the scammers want to close that potential loophole down like all the rest.
Just like the bs claims that burning wood in domestic stoves needs to be stopped but burning biomass in a power station is green.
While our gas exports have doubled.
They couldn’t make it up.

Im sure youll be there to aid for “their” creative deficiencies.