Prostate problems

Slightly wrong on last post , psa every 6 months , mri every 18/24 months ( not yearly ) now , as in the consultant words ( all biopsy’s were negative ) ( bit baffling as 3 out of 18 were of concern first time ) , I wasn’t happy about leaving mri for 18/24 months , but he said if a psa is high , we will do another within a month & if it’s still high we will do a mri immediately ,
Strange thing is since biopsy I’m peeing completely normal , we brought this up with consultant and he didn’t have a answer , so mrs asked if it was all the red wine & pomegranate juice I’m drinking ( she just had to ) , consultant looked a bit bemused , I just looked at the floor
Apparently pomegranate juice & red wine is good for the prostrate , I’ll have to keep the mrs off google from now on