Ukraine [merged]





Mayo and chips isn’t just a Belgian thing [emoji6]

Declaring themselves neutral, thereby providing Churchill with a false pretext for our involvement in a catastrophic World War, is.
A bit like Ukraine inviting NATO into Russia’s backyard and Boris and Biden saying go for it, we’ve got your back, what could possibly go wrong.

I think you’ll find Belgium didn’t declare its neutrality. The premise for that goes back to the Treaty of London. Neutrality was guaranteed cos Belgium tended to figure in most European attack strategies.

And you’re confusing world wars Belgian violation triggered WW1 - the trigger for Churchill in WW2 was Poland.

Apart from those little inaccuracies you’re grasp of European history is stunning. I shall follow your every utterance with a new found respect from now on

Until that Belgian neutrality was taken advantage of by Russia and France to threaten Germany by removing its only means of defence against a war on two fronts.
Not that I condone the refusal of Serb self determination in that but Churchill was happy enough to deny same for Ireland.
But ironically and more importantly it contains a frightening paralel to Ukraine in risking Europe over a minor localised tactical issue in which on balance NATO is the aggressor not Russia.Just like Germany had no intention of a war on two fronts in 1914 France forced its hand stupidly and tragically helped by us.
As for Churchill dragging us all into WW1 over a local Russian German argument which would have been over before it began if we had stayed well out of it, this Churchill.
We can probably transfer that opening theme and tune to Ukraine if NATO refuses to back down over moving into Ukraine.Even if Putin would stand for it his generals won’t. 42.15 -

Also bearing in mind WW2 was just the sequel and America and most modern generations have no stomach for mutually assured destruction and Russia and China know it.
Ffs…how many tines?

Churchill DIDN’T drag us into WW1 [emoji1787]

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