Petition to ban smart motorways


Most drivers see a big reduction in their car insurance premiums when they turn 25 years old because they have become safe drivers.

However, this video shows that not all 25 year olds have become safe drivers by that age.

I wonder what her driving test examiner would have said if she had been taking her driving test at that moment?

Probably, I’m stopping this test because I don’t feel safe…although I doubt he would have survived that crash.

I think the woman driving ended up surviving with a hand amputated. There was “Dora the Explorer” among the car debris, leading one to think “Good job the kids were not in the car”… and then you have to think back to M1 J14 last July
to remind yourself that “Another tragedy is only one mis-calculation away”.
This woman went into the back of an artic run by the (client) firm I now work for, and I gotta feel for the guy, who must have been pretty upset at what happened, even though it was 0% of his fault… The effect of a brain addled by drink, amount not important, rather than the effect it has on one’s judgement…