God bless Whites Transport


He be complaining even more when they put a barrier up

I’ve seen…

Barriers erected at every MSA I’ve ever had a 45 in. They soon get broken and the service area becomes another private junction for the locals. There used to be small traffic jams at Woolley Edge.
There’s also an assumption that the fleet is using the exit, which may or may not be the case.

I have heard from locals close to Membury that the access gate was/is left open, although there is signage against its use. No comment from me on who is, or isnt, actually using it.
These links might interest you:
whatdotheyknow.com/request/ … ads_to_mot

(Re Whites, I know some who have worked there in the past, and from the little I know, it seems they arent Heaven Sent Saints, nor Devils Incarnate....Whod a guessed?)