Struggling with theory test

Hey folks,

I’m really struggling with the multiple choice and case studies. I downloaded the official apps but they’re not much help. Without sounding thick, I’m a total newbie to the industry and basically know next to nothing especially weights, axles etc. Is there any other way to study and learn? Thanks.

This is the only book you need. There are about 15 chapters. Work through 1 chapter each day, and it will only take you 15 days. The problem with alternative routes, is that you are learning more than what you need to pass. This book is written by the same people who set the test, so you’re not learning more than what you need to pass.

The Official DVSA Theory Test for Drivers of LGV / PCV … cts_id=294

This book is also available on amazon and ebay, etc. so make a note of the ISBN number and that helps you get the latest version. The book is regularly updated, perhaps every year or two…which is why you want the latest version.