Fuel Price Week begin --/--


Stanley Mitchell:
A slight decrease for most of our cards this coming week :wink:

Certas Bunker @ 110.96 :open_mouth:

Keyfuels / FCC @ 112.45 - the only one to rise for this week :blush:

Certas / UKf @ 112.96

Watson @ 113.44

Ukf @ 113.49

BWOC @ 113.61

FMS / UKf @ 114.23

Harvest @ 115.09

FMS / Shell @ 115.85

Someone at Certas has come to their senses at last :wink:



ukf my best price this week 114.48 harvest 114.58 Keyfuels 114.73 thatโ€™s a good price off certas you got there stan

Sure is, it caught me by surprise TBH, i`d about given up on them as there was zero communication from them when they started losing the plot a few weeks ago, so a few weeks of only using their adblu pumps worked a treat :wink: