Class 2 reverse..

This is one of the things I am most worried about if/when I start driving Class 2 in the real world (I’m currently in contact with a few agencies about ad-hoc weekend work as I work full time not driving).

I passed with PSTT and managed to nail the reverse every time in practice and then on the test with a few simple steps - drive up to the left-hand cone and give myself as much room on the right as possible for the reverse. Reverse and steer left (I think it was 1.5 turns of the steering wheel), keeping an eye on my top right mirror to ensure I’m not getting too close to the right hand line - until I can see the middle cone in the right mirror so I know I can reverse clear of that, then it’s just like steering a car into a bay between the markers. Then the final part was reversing straight, to the area before the barrier and I did this by visually lining my mirror up with a marker to my right.

Of course, this isn’t possible when reversing up a loading bay in the real world, so I guess practice soon allows you to judge where the back end is. Still makes me a bit nervous thinking about it though, especially with the thought of driving different vehicles on agency - any tips much appreciated!