"Heavy Haulage through the years"




Some hefty lumps on this page.
I used to Drive /Drove this old girl in the 1960s when working the recovery shifts at BRS Irthlingborough,we serviced from Watford Gap to Luton on the M1 Stamford to Stevenage on the A1 when Peterborough under pressure.and any in the area ,Milton Keynes just a dream in those days.


That must have been hard work driving that DIG!

I’m sure Spardo can tell a tale or two about driving these things too :wink:

Only breakdown wagon I drove I bought myself for £65 from the auctions. A wartime 4x4 Morris Commercial with a massive straight 6 petrol engine under the bonnet it could pull anything but with no power brakes was almost impossible to stop in a hurry. Not being a mechanic I bought an original War Dept service manual from a specialist dealer for more than I paid for the wagon and, as soldiers were assumed to be stupid, it described every possible job in detail down to the last nut and bolt. This mechano numpty managed to take out, strip down and rebuild the transfer box. Sold it for more than I bought it to the son of the man who wrote The Long Walk about his escape from a gulag and trudge to England. He didn’t want the manual so I still have it to this day. :laughing:

I wonder what that would be worth now, probably a bit more than 65 quid David :laughing:

I reckon, it was in very good nick in our smart blue and white livery, but I wonder if the manual is worth even more still. Not selling though, you never know when another reccer will cross my path. :wink: It better hurry up though. :laughing:

Happy 200th birthday btw, you don’t look a day older than 199. :laughing: :laughing: