Sitting in a cab on your own a lot

Is getting increasingly fed up with the antics of others on the road a sign of mental issues, especially when some of the most stupid antics are performed by our highly trained and test certifed brethren in other lorries.
If so i went gaga donkeys years ago, but have found the answers to staying out of care in the community, hang well back, assume everyone else is an idiot, and set your cruise control to a speed several clicks below your limited max and let the world go to hell, as it surely is.

For those on nights out, getting away from the bloody lorry for several hours and stop stopping in bloody roadside laybys where you lock yourself inside for 9 hrs only to resume maximising…for trampers maybe once a week or fortnight treating yourself to a reasonable hotel or B&B to get away from the vehicle would help make the job, this latter method i found i looked forward to a comfortable normal human being restover with ensuite shower or bath and room to breathe.