WTD Question




Can we opt out of the WTD ie average 48hrs and 60 HR weekly hours ? Thanks in advance I am aware that poa and breaks don’t cout

As above the answer is no but which authority cares? = none

Not quite nobody caring, more about when someone might care: when DVSA does an inspection of the operating centre they might have something to say about it, and if goes to a PI, the TC might have a comment or two about it as well.

DVSA don’t care about WTD. Have they ever done anyone for it? It doesn’t even have anything in the DVSA book of punishments where even the Kent Access Permit gets a section. But no space in the 300-odd pages about WTD punishments and penalties.

I believe in their eyes drivers hours rules take precedent…

Cannot believe the amount of ■■■■■■■ that get in a twist about a set of rules only pointy shoed office knobs fap about as it allows them to wield a tiny morsal of power :unamused:

Yes…but no. DVSA quite rightly do not give a hoot about occasional infringements of WTD. However, if they notice a consistent pattern of offences, it can encourage them to delve deeper, because it’s an indicator of several things; ignorance or wilful disregard for the law, slack procedures by employer, and poor management standards. And since even WTD misdemeanours are legally enforceable, it gives them the perfect excuse to start digging.

You and I both know that even if there is no significant history of actual drivers hours offences on a digi-card, that same card can record WTD offences which would prove that both driver and operator are pushing work periods far above and beyond what many consider to be reasonable. Do you REALLY want to go back to working for eight or nine hours before you have a break; as you legally could before WTD? I concede that it can be a royal PITA at times especially if you have to take a fifteen when only minutes from home with driving hours to spare, but by and large I think it’s a force for good.

Sensible employers (and drivers) know that you don’t give DVSA too much rope. They won’t hang themselves, but they’re perfectly capable of hanging you.