Hourly rate disparity



They negotiated the best deal available at the time for anyone joining the company from that point onwards.

Utter claptrap. They have reserved better terms for themselves in exchange for cutting loose workers who join the firm in future to do the same work.

Naturally, the bosses will be delighted at both the prospect of wages falling over time, and of the existence of an aristocracy who are prepared to break solidarity with their future colleagues in order to keep their own feather-bedding for the time being.

Such behaviour by unionised workers should be immediately confronted by an overwhelming attack by the new workforce, to ensure the aristocrats are brought down to the same level that they seemed to think was appropriate for others. Then we will see how happy they are with the terms they have negotiated.

And then the Company lands up at a tribunal,having a guess the Company will win because the “newbies” accepted the terms they where offered. No good starting a job thinking your going to change other peoples contracts to suit you,dont like it dont start thats easy enough.

That’s fine. Just don’t expect me to join the union or support any strikes under those circumstances. I’ll be doing the overtime whilst you’re on the gate, and if you want to make it about bike chains and tyre irons then we can do that too. Because, you know, I accepted my terms when I joined. And if you don’t like your pay frozen year after year, because you’ve broken ranks and destroyed solidarity, you can go and get a job elsewhere at market rates, can’t you?

The reality is that your treacherous thinking is probably why effective unions don’t even exist in the vast majority of places. I can’t condemn it in any stronger terms.

Unions Officials will do what they can to protect T&Cs of existing workforce other than that get a good redundancy package or pay off as compensation. A Union is only as good as its Members no ,Members no Union

Indeed, so why are you defending attacks on the future members of the union, and justifying trading their pay and conditions for your own feather bedding in the meantime?

Do you seriously think the fellas who fought the second world war used to attack their kids’ wages and permanently lower the bar for the workforce, so as to boost their own pay just for the time being?