Fridge question

Where’s our resident fridge expert when you need him? :unamused: :smiley:

If this qualifies for the Top.10 Trucknet stupidest questions chart, you’ll need to forgive me. :blush: :smiley:

In hot weather does a cab fridge not perform as good as it should?
Does it take longer to get colder or what?
Does it need re.gassed or summet?

They can only reduce the temperature by a certain maximum amount from the ambient temperature because they rely on being able to transfer heat out of the compartment into the outside air via the metal plates and fins on the outside. So for example they may reduce the temperature by a max of 20C which means that when it’s 20C in your cab or lower it’ll reach 0C but when it’s 30C in your cab it’ll only reach 10C.