Anyone else getting tired of “How are you?”

Seriously I must answer this atleast 20x a day. Who the f cares how I am?

:laughing: I know what you mean. Despite what everyone else is saying here, I must admit I’m tending to agree with you, I’d rather people didn’t ask questions they clearly don’t want an honest answer to.

Around here the standard greeting is “y’aaar right?” But it’s entirely superficial, no one expects you to say anything other than something positive, if you say “Thanks for asking, I’m having a really bad time right now…” they will pull a face and look uncomfortable, it’s more socially acceptable to lie than make people uncomfortable with a truthful response: "Aye, fair t’middlin’… " is a useful standard reply to the standard enquiry.

In a similar vein, I dislike they way we’ve become americanized to the point where strangers trot out “Sorry for your loss” when someone has died. Why? you don’t know me, you didn’t know them.