As for Germans been better engineers i wouldnt say thats true. But to say the allies win tge war as the brits were better engineers is ridiculous.

Best Ergomatic Cabbed-Lorry Model? PART 24.Page 37.TRUCKNETUK.

KR79 is quite right.World War Two was not won by Great Britain and it’s Allies purely because our engineers
were supposed to be better engineers than German engineers - although the technology of Great Britain,
America,Canada and the rest of the allies did play a crucial role in the allied victory.
I would say the major factor or factors in our victory was because Germany and it Axis powers were 1.
Numerically out-numbered by the allies in manpower,i.e. soldiers,air staff,naval staff,etc,out-numbered in aeroplanes,ships,guns,tanks,bombs,bullets,military vehicles,etc. 2.And,partly because of this numerical un-balance,Germany was militarily,tactically and logistically out-manouvered by the allied forces.And 3.Hitler and
his high command,i.e. generals,field marshals,etc,some times made the wrong military decisions,including
starting the war too early - the Third Reich should have built up more military strength before going ahead
with military campaigns - had a fleet of long range bomber aeroplanes instead of mainly medium range ones,fighting battles on two fronts,i.e. the Russian campaign in the East and the campaign in the West,should have spent money on more conventional and cheaper to produce weapons and aeroplanes,rather than the
exotic and adventurous V1 Flying Bomb and V2 Rockets,and so on.
And all of the above reasons are probably why Great Britian and it’s Allies -America,Canada,Australia,etc,
defeated Germany and it’s Axis Powers in World War Two :smiley: