
I bought a little scanner to read my drivers card as I wanted to keep up with the hours I worked and to my horror I have a couple of infringements. I guess I must have just made a mistake ding a manual entry and yesterday for some reason I drove an hour over my time. I spent nearly two hours waiting to be tipped and most of that I was on break or so I thought, I should have an hour and half to spare. I have no print outs to write on the back, Advice please?

Next time you use a digital tachograph do a printout and write the explanation on it then sign it.

You may want to do two printouts so you can keep one with you after handling one into your traffic office.

You’ll still get an infringement notice from your employer but they will be able to see that you’re aware of your mistake and it may save you having to sit through a lecture :slight_smile:
It should also go in your favour if you get stopped by the DVSA.

Sent from my mobile via Tapatalk.

Thanks, I know understand how to use the digical tacho a lot more, so with luck there won’t be a next time for a while.