Weekend work?


Where in the country are you?

I’m doing weekend work as and when I can as I run my own business full time in the week. So far it’s been really good and I really look forward to the driving days as it’s a nice change from the normal work.

Andy - can I ask how your situation works in terms of driver’s hours? I’m hoping to do something similar once I get my licence - drive weekends/odd days while running a non-driving related business the rest of the time. I’m getting all confused about what that means for working time regulations and how people log their work…


I missed this sorry.

All I do to log my time is keep a hand written diary with all my working time in it. I keep it in my driving bag. I’m generally only doing every other weekend so that I get the necessary rest periods. Only exception to this is if I’ve had time off with my week day work. If I get stopped I have the diary as proof of my hours and it could all likely be backed up from my phone with emails, company diary etc if any questions get raised.
