Newbie looking for advice (automatic)

Good luck mate, like taco said just make sure your body can take the strain of the job. Guess it would just be finding a job that wouldn’t put too much on you, I’m on flats dealing with steel and cement and consider myself quite physically fit. But 12 hours of securing a load with chains takes it’s toll on me.

If your on medication and pretty strong painkillers does it say anything about driving in the instructions for them? If it does it may cause a problem, if it doesn’t I guess it would be up to employers discretion as most places will ask for a brief description of your medical history (or most did for me anyway)

Concerning the reversing, it will come pal. Don’t worry yourself with it, I couldn’t reverse the most simple of corners when I first passed. But once it clicks in your mind which way to turn and what angles you need you’ll be spinning it on a six pence!

Anyway like I said good luck hopefully it all works out for you fella