Fuel Price Week begin --/--

Hi everyone,

I am a UK truck driver. I’m looking to get myself a fuel card to save on fuel costs. I want to know if any of these are worth using.

BP Plus Bunker fuel card - ukfuels.co.uk/bp-bunker-fuel-card/
Esso Truck fuel card - ukfuels.co.uk/esso-commercial-fuel-card/
Shell CRT fuel card - ukfuels.co.uk/shell-crt-fuel-card/
Truckone fuel card - ukfuels.co.uk/truckone/
Trok fuel card - trok.co

The Trok fuel card appeals to me because of the zero-fees, but also the Shell CRT fuel card is can be used across any vehicle not just HGV.

Interested to hear other people’s opinions