Financial standings question

I guess the ‘trick’ in this question is that there is two operating centre’s, in two different areas. Therefore the company would need to have two separate operating licence’s.

My workings out would be based on these figures

First Vehicle = £8000
Additional Vehicles = £4500

OC1 (11 vehicles) = (1 x £8000) + (10 x £4500) = £8000 + £45000 = £53000
OC2 (5 vehicles) = (1 x £8000) + (4 x £4500) = £8000 + £18000 = £26000

OC1 + OC2 = £53000 + £26000 = £79000

Available Funds = £80000

Available Funds - Amount Required = £80000 - £79000 = £1000 Surplus

It’s probably worth noting (unless it has changed since i took my test) that even if your initial figures are incorrect, providing you show the correct workings you would still get some marks