Changes to drivers' hours and tachograph rules

The Tachograph looks amazing too with a facility to enter every border crossing you use, you have to stop and enter the country you are leaving and the country you are entering, plus enter where you are every 3 hours during the working day. This may bring back the camaraderie of yesteryear, where we can plan our weekends in advance, grab a coffee with a mate on the border. … 32016R0799

You need a stiff drink to read this lot - but it seems that according to the line the 3 hour positioning is done automatically. Three hours’ continuous driving places data


The driver card shall be able to store the following data related to the position of the vehicle where the continuous driving time of the driver reaches a multiple of three hours:

the date and time when the continuous driving time of the card holder reaches a multiple of three hours,

the position of the vehicle.

the GNSS accuracy, date and time when the position was determined.


The driver card shall be able to store at least 252 such records.