
Chris Webb:


The H.Bakers Mammoth Minor gave problems , apparently it threw flames from the exhaust according to one of their drivers who is sadly no longer with us. It went back to Tillotsons in Bradford but they couldn`t cure it. The 4 x 2 Mandator loading bales was eventually sold to B.Holmes waste paper in Bradford and my dad drove it . By this time it was 10 years old and past its best , it was a regular over the M62 running at full weight to Ramsbottom

I was H Bakers mechanic when the Mammoth Minor was in the fleet. It went through exhaust boxes pretty regular due to the heat. The ‘flame’ was actually very hot gas and would show when the engine was pulling hard uphill, as the exhaust pipe was facing out to the road. I took one of AECs top engineers out in it one evening and climbing towards Windy Hill on the M62 he lifted the bonnet cowl and the exhaust gases could be seen in the exhaust manifold coming out of the engine. The manifold was glowing nearly white with the heat. I think the engineer also went white when he saw it (unless it was my driving). He went back to his office the following day and did some negotiating with Bakers. Due to the age of the truck and economics of a replacement engine it was never replaced. During the years I worked on it and occasionally drove it there were never any problems (apart from the exhaust).

It was the late Joe Greenhough who told me about the flames , Did Derek Sharp get LKU 103G new there’s a photo on here sonewhere of it being loaded and it looked new. My dad got it when it was 10 years old and seen better days when he worked at B Holmes waste paper