TNT history

My recollections of TNT here in WA were a ruthless sales dept and happy to use their power to stand over sub contators where ever possible.

The company was hand in glove with the state governments of the Eastern states in enforcing rates that eventually in 1979 ended in a nation wide strike which started at the top pf the Razor Gap on the Hume Hwy which was supported nation wide with other truck drivers for 9 days until some arrangement was reached to ban the Road maintenance tax which TNT charged the client but were happy to forget to pass it onto the their sub contractors.
Also a look into rates generally and loading weights upgraded.
The man who started the protest /strike known as Green dog Stevens was sent into bankruptsy by TNT as he wouldn’t submit to the requests of TNT management early in the strike where he was promised huge financial rewards if he called the strike off he stood by his principles and mates and no work after the strike so payed a heavy price.
I will note I only worked for them twice first and last time.
