Mosquitos and other biting pests

Mosquitoes? Unless you’re in an area where there are likely to be Anopheles mosquitos (see link for geographical areas) then they are no more than an annoyance, but far less of an annoyance than the king of biting insects, the scottish midge, who congregate in huge clouds and vitually eat you alive. Now there’s something you want to keep out of your cab at all costs!

There are two types of mosquito which spread malaria, Anophelene is the main one, I can’t remember the other one.
Other types spread other diseases, which we’re unlikely to encounter in Europe (unless global warming).

Scottish, and potentially Swedish (if there is such a thing :open_mouth: ), midges also require still water to lay their eggs near. For the same reason as mosquitos.
A lot of other biting insects need the same, for the same reason.

Further useless trivia for you. It’s only the females who bite. They need blood for their egg fertilisation system.
Any blood, but ours is easy, no thick fur coat to get through. And the itchy lump is from the anti-coagulant they inject, so they can drink enough blood before the tiny hole they cut is blocked by coagulation. The males are vegetarian and live on sap, so they have the same mouth parts, to cut into the sap bearing parts of the plants.
Like I said, useless, but interesting, I thought :slight_smile: