ADR tomorrow, what shall I expect?

The tests at the end are easy if you have common sense, the pass percentage is 70%, so if you have 10 questions (as in a lot of the tests) you can get 3 wrong.

Hi Kerbdog,
That’s spot-on mate, but due to the fact that each exam paper now costs £20 to mark, a lot of providers are saving money for the candidates by choosing the “common characteristics” route.
The one-exam-per-class route still exists, but it’s expensive now.

Here’s the comparison for Core, Packs and seven UN Classes:
Separate Classes route:
Core, Packs, then Classes 2,3,4,5,6,8&9 all as separate exams = £20 X 9 = £180.

Common Characteristics route:
Core, Packs, Common Characteristics, Paper “A” & Paper “B” = £20 X 5 = £100.
Assuming first time passes on all papers, a candidate would get exactly the same ADR licence from both routes, but one is £80 less in marking fees.

Marks needed for a pass on separate Classes route:
Core = 18/25
Packs = 11/15
Classes 2 & 3 = 11/15 each
Classes 4,5,6,8&9 = 7/10 each

Marks needed for a pass on Common Characteristics route:
Core = 18/25
Packs = 11/15
Common Characteristics = 14/20
Paper “A” = 26/36
Paper “B” = 17/24

Like they say, it’s more a test to show you were listening rather than testing your knowledge. If you pay towards the dCPC then you get 21 hours (3 days at 7 hours) towards your dCPC too

Also spot-on^^ :smiley: