How long before it fell off?

How many miles did he/she have left before it came flying off ?

:open_mouth: not many i guess

Rather ironic…

One solitary wheel nut movement indicator.

Crack on drive, only 500 miles to go.

Nah there’s not long left on that lol.

50 miles up the road but them nuts have been slack for long time

Had that happen on Paris piripherique off at 1st exit park up get spanners out and do a bit of work was lucky was on middle axle just lowered suspension to bottom jack up axle a nd put 2 ratchet straps on suspension back to normal and crack on no drama just get on with the job.most new drivers don’t even carry a screwdriver useless most of them,not my job will get a call out,they won’t even change a bulb FFS

there’s only two nuts actually missing. Just tighten up the others, and crack on.

50 miles up the road but them nuts have been slack for long time

100% That hasn’t got in that state after a days driving haha