Microwave Help

So a mate of mine has ended up with a unit from another contract while his new one turns up, he’s got it for about 10 days.
Like me has always used a stove, the new one will have all the home comforts so he’s looking forward to it.
Anyway, this one he’s been given has a microwave, it’s an older one and has no instructions.

Can someone let me know what the settings are, which one is the full power in particular.
I looked online and can only find info on the newer model which has different looking controls.

Also, what’s this cardboard cover on the inside for??

Any help welcome….

At a guess: max power - turn top knob as far clockwise as it goes (so the I, II, III?), then bottom is a timer and it probably goes ping at the end.
Paper thing looks like a removable filter?

Looks to me as the full power is furthest to the right, the lines above give you a hint and it looks to be already set at max power!!!

Think the cardboard is the magnetron cover. To keep any food splatter off it.

The rocker switch is power on , top dial turn over to the far right for high power
Look on Kuda truck accessories site it’s their brand