M6 north closed j12

Any night drivers good luck on m6 north j 12 closed queing to Hilton park m
Theres a tuffnells truck on its side

It was a Tuffnels wagon that shut the m5 near Gloucester all day and night last Thursday.

I do hope the driver’s okay though?

No idea I was driving south on m6 got around Stafford after while thougt where’s all traffic on. Other side.
Then eventually came across loads flashing yellow lights and saw a tuffnells green trailer on its side.

Why are Tuffnels trucks have the headlights wrong the drivers side one pointing high up blinding everyone

Why are Tuffnels trucks have the headlights wrong the drivers side one pointing high up blinding everyone

Gives them a better view of the road when the vehicle is lying on its side.

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