Recovery 24h shifts

Here is my tuppence on it, I broke down about 25 miles away from home , the guy turns up and refused to take my car back to a garage local to me saying it was a classic Volvo of which it was not a classic and it may get damaged on his lorry, i then had to wait hours for another recovery lorry which makes me think the first guy just couldn’t be bothered and wanted to go home .
My second issue was my Mrs broke down on a fast single track road about 12 miles from home .

Terrified and frightened because her car was partially straddling the live lane and some passing motorists were hooting and shouting abuse, she was told of about a four hour wait , but not given priority.
The guy arrived but couldn’t repair on site and offered to tow her back but she was too nervous to be towed so opted for him to arrange a lorry to pick the car up .
I told her that she should have over emphasised how urgent and dangerous the situation was , to the extent of white lies and not back down with any excuses .

In a way it is similar to getting a Doctors appointment when you are triaged by reception so you have to over elaborate the ailments to get seen.